Ever Since New York - Harry Styles

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Tell me something, tell me something.
You don't know nothing, just pretend you do.
I need something, so tell me something new.

Just pretend you know nothing, like you've been doing for a while now. You've known all along how I felt, I've never made an effort to hide my feelings. So you know. And if you knew, you must have know it hurt me every time you decided I wasn't important enough to make time for. So I wonder, was that hard for you? Or did you just not care? Of weren't you aware?

Choose your words
'Cause there's no antidote
For this curse oh
What's it waiting for?
Must this hurt you just before you go?

After not hearing back from you I started getting worried again. You still get to me, I can't seem to stop caring for you. I couldn't help myself but text you. I asked you if you're okay, and that you're taking even longer than usual to respond, and that that's totally fine, that I don't blame you or mean to offend you, but that I'm worried about you.

Which I am. Why do I still care so much? I still want to know that you're okay, I want you to be happy, even if I can't be the reason for you happiness. No, not the reason, the only one who should be the reason for your happiness is yourself. So let me correct that: I want you to be happy, even if I can't contribute to your happiness. There, that's better.

You responded within 10 minutes. "Hey, you're so sweet. I'm mostly just really busy. And you know I'm not the strongest at the texting thing."

Oh, tell me something I don't already know.
Oh, tell me something I don't already know.

Yeah, I know. It's okay though. So that's what I told you. "Glad you're okay. I get it, it's okay." And it really is. I finally feel like I'm at peace with the whole situation. Or at least like I'm getting there.

"I'm sorry," you said. Always apologizing. Don't you know by now you don't need to?

"No, don't be. Really, don't worry about it," I sent back.

We're okay. We're good. If you want to meet up sometime that's fine and if you don't want to or if you're too busy that's cool too.

Almost over, had enough of you.

I don't mean this in a mean way. I just feel like I'm finally moving on. My heart didn't go crazy when you texted back, there were no butterflies, I didn't feel overly anxious or excited or anything. That's a start, right? It feels good. I'm feeling better.

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