Winter - Pvris

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Don't lose sleep, you can steal some body heat from another.
Ice cold to the touch, no I'll never be you're snow-covered lover.
That shit was pathetic, I need love, I'm warm flesh and blood.
Call me spineless but at least I got a heart between my lungs.
You feel too little and I feel too much.

This is probably what I'm most scared of. That you just feel too little for me. Actually, I could live with that. Because right from the start this is what I expected. I thought you were this kind of person who just doesn't really catch feelings. And that's okay. I used to be that person, until I started falling for you. The point is, I can't change anything about your feelings. And you know, if you can't change something, there really isn't anything left to do but accept it. So I could accept it, and I would. It would suck, yeah, totally, but I'd be okay.

What I'm really scared of, is that you don't feel anything at all. That you don't care about me at all. That you were just playing me all along, and that now that life is getting busy again I'm just a liability.

Can you burn a fire in my flesh?
'Cause you're love's so cold I see my breath.
No I can't take another night,
Always frozen by your side.

I don't mind putting in effort. Not at all. I just need to know that you want me to. That's all. You don't even have to want me like I want you, as long as you want me in any way at all. Because I would keep lighting fires for as long as you'd want me to, if only you wouldn't freeze them over like fucking Elsa.

Winter in your soul,
You got no love in your bones.
Trying to find some heart from you
Is like draining blood from stones.

I know this isn't true. I've seen your heart. You have showed me before that you cared. You were worried about me, when I was feeling lost, alone, different, an outsider. You asked me what was bothering me, made me feel better, told me things that were so true and so real, and I was so grateful for your words, for your kindness, for you. You didn't tell me those things because you thought that was what I wanted to hear. You told me those things because that was what you honestly believed in that moment. And for me, that was of so much value. Back then, I was never frozen. Back then, you were still warm.

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