Ready To Change - Kodaline

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Shots rang out, but there's no gun.
Still you hurt on everyone.
In the dips of you, the sparks are good.
But you're not even trying.
You feel the knife in your gut.
But you're so scared of what you want.
You bite your lip, and hold your tongue.
What are you hiding?

A couple of days ago I was talking to one of my friends. We were both a little drunk and, as I tend to do when I'm intoxicated, I started talking a little bit to much. I told her what's been going on the last couple of weeks, or months really, and she was just the sweetest, being a really good friend. It was just nice to talk to her about everything.

But then she said something about you that got my head spinning again. "I actually think she liked you too, you know."

And maybe you did, even though I don't really believe it. But it made me realize that yes, I've been doing better, and I haven't felt the urge to check up on you for about 2 weeks now, and I've successfully managed to get you out of my mind for the most part. But I still don't know where the hell we went wrong.

"Maybe you could ask her, if you really want to know," my friend said. Yeah I could, and yeah, I do want to know. Problem is, I'm refuse to talk to you about that unless it's in person. And since I never see you, it might be a while before I can ask you any of these questions. To prevent that from happening I could try and meet up with you. But there's no way in hell I'm contacting you again. I don't want to be dragged back to the stormy waters that surround you.

You can stand on the edge shouting out that you're ready to change.
You can say what you want, you won't jump, you're not ready to change.

So, maybe you did like me and maybe I just came to close, and maybe you were just afraid, but it doesn't even matter. We'd never work. You're not going to change.

So do I really need to know what happened, if it's not going to change anything anyway? I don't. This is where I decide to fully let you go.

I don't know what the future holds but I do know it's not worth it to waste any energy on worrying about it. Maybe our paths will cross again, and maybe they won't. Until then all the ropes that once tied me to you are now cut. All that is left between us are memories. No part of me belongs to you any more. My heart is nothing but my own, until it finds someone to love again.

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