Two Hearts - Gavin James

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I'm feeling like shit. I don't know what it is today. I thought I was improving and moving on, and I really have been doing better the past few days, but today I just feel like staying in bed the entire day and listening to sad songs, letting myself feel everything all at once.

Instead I got out of bed and started playing guitar, singing sad songs instead of listening to them, which is a little less pathetic if you ask me. At least it feels like it, so that's something.

And here it comes,
Every red rose has its thorns that cut.
Even the hardest of stones at worst,
You never hurt me no.

You never hurt me. I'm the only one that's hurting myself. I think that's an important thing to remember. You didn't do a thing to me, ever. I was the one who allowed myself to start hoping for more, when you on the other hand never promised me anything, and that's why I got hurt. That doesn't mean I should stop having hope though, and just lock my feelings away forever. Because someday it will work out with someone, and for that I'll risk it all.

I went to a Gavin James concert last night with a couple of friends. Now, I don't know if you've ever heard of him, but a lot of his songs are pretty sad. And last night I was feeling fine, I mean, I was definitely touched by his lyrics, but I was enjoying the music with my friends. I guess when I woke up this morning everything just kind of hit me.

Well maybe I have two hearts,
And one part won't give you up.

I haven't been thinking about you that much lately, but somehow you always make your way back in my mind through music. It's weird, how I feel like I don't want you anymore, but at the same time I wish you were mine. And on top of that I think about the girl from the reunion all the time, and I want to see her again so bad. Maybe I should just ask her to meet up sometime. I just need to get you of my mind.

'Cause I think it's time that we talked about,
Things that we never could talk about,
Things I just couldn't say.
Oh but I've been a fool,
So many times before.

Sometimes I feel like I should still just tell you. Tell you how I felt, or how I feel, even if it's not relevant anymore. Tell you the things I couldn't say, but I don't want to be a fool anymore. There's no use anyway, it's all long gone now.

Between me and you,
I'm not really sure what I'm looking for.

Maybe it's not you I'm missing, or her, maybe it's just somebody in general.

This is a story of a lonely heart.

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