All Of Your Glory - Broods

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Don't need an apology to make it right, I just need you as a home.
Don't want an apology to make it right, I want you in all of your glory.

One text. That's enough to get my heart racing like crazy. It's crazy how something so simple can cause such a reaction. "Hey girl, I'm sorry I've been so busy."

I'm so glad you texted. I know it's stupid.

I think it's cute that you still apologize for every time you go awol. Apparently you still feel the need to say sorry. I like it and I also hate it, because first of all I wish you wouldn't disappear in the first place and second of all I never want to make you feel like you owe me anything. Because you don't and honestly I should just stop whining about our lack of contact. I don't ever want you to feel obligated to talk to me.

You don't owe me an apology, you don't owe me an explanation and you don't owe me any of your time. Because you're not mine, even though I want nothing more in the world, you're not, which means you can do whatever the fuck you want.

That doesn't stop me from wanting you to give me your time though. No, I still want you to think of me, want you to care for me, want you, you and everything that's a part of you.

Anyway, you texted and even though it's not much I'm just going to allow myself to be happy with that. We had an actual conversation too, caught up, laughed, flirted a little bit even. That's something. I'll take a week of radio silence for that.

I just realized I've managed not to text you for a week. And when I did, a week ago, I was drunk, so does that really count? Yeah it does, that's no excuse.

Anyway, last week you were actually pretty open, going into detail about how you've been. I was right, you do have a lot going on right now, and I wish I could somehow help you. I'm glad you decided to tell me though, instead of saying you're busy, like you usually do. You know I want to be there for you, but do you also know that it's okay to actually let me? Because it doesn't feel like a burden to me, not in the slightest.

No amount of chaos
can keep me from you.

Any problem, any issue, any struggle, I'd do anything to help you, in any way I can. I would take all of your chaos and all of you're glory, if you just let me be your home.

My Ocean (GirlxGirl)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें