Different outlook

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In front of a tall building, a young man stepped out of his expensive car dressed in an elegant suit and gelled hair. As soon as his foot landed on the ground the security, a man in his late 40's came running to him "G..good morning sir" he greeted in a shivering tone, his eyes set on the ground. The young man adjusted his shades and gave the car keys to the elderly. As if he got what he meant the security took the car to park it in the basement.

The young man took his steady steps proceeding towards the building. Spotting him people started greeting him. The women were swooning over his presence. Though he wasn't tall but he was just perfect, his sharp jawline, his symmetrical face, his cold, intimidating eyes and his plump lips. In addition to that his broad shoulders and just enough arm muscles were creating a harmony with his handsome face. He is a definition of a perfect man, rich, intelligent, confident and handsome. He was a perfect combination of everything a girl dreams of having in her man. He walked forward giving a slight nod, as if returing their greetings maintaining his sight in the front.

His personal assistant noticed his presence "Good morning boss" he followed him, matching his pace while he entered his gigantic room.

Comfortably taking a seat in his large chair he questioned "Did you send the quotation?".

His P.A, jungshin answered simultaneously handing him some files "Yes sir, also your father..." he stopped when kyungsoo gave him a stern look, also raising his eyebrows.

"Sorry sir, i mean.... chairman has ordered you to sign these files urgently" he explained gulping.

The young man nodded and was immersed in studying the files kept on the table when suddenly the door opened with a bang and barged in another young man tall, handsome and cheerful. He walked towards him carefree and threw a magazine on the table.

"Mr.Do kyungsoo, an aspiring, young business man, CEO of Do group of companies, cracks another important deal of worth 100 millions" he read the headlines on the front cover of the magazine, also showing it to the young man.

The young man placed a victory smirk on his lips looking at the man in front "Kim seokjin, this kind of news are not new for me. You know when Do kyungsoo, decides something he gets it" he praised himself ignoring his congratulatory statement.

"By the way, don't you ever barge in my room in that manner" kyungsoo said teasing him.

He glared at his PA jungshin "Do i have to point out everything? Out now!!".

Jungshin hesitated "Sir, the files....."

Kyungsoo snubbed "Don't make me repeat jungshin.....you know i never sign files just like that......so get your ass out of here" he said in his arrogant tone. With in a second jungshin hurried out of the room. He released his held breath which he was holding for a long time.

Seokjin smirked as soon as they were left alone "Kyungsoo......This...because of this attitude of yours, people are afraid of you. Go out and listen to how people talk about you, saying you are cocky, arrogant and that you have got a terrible temper" he answered ignoring his threat.

"Jin, how many times should i remind you i am D.O....you better call me that" his jaw clenched. Jin raised his hands in defeat.

Kyungsoo just shook his head well aware of jin's personality. He was the only one who could treat kyungsoo that way perhaps because he was his close friend. Others only fear him and he loves that trembling look in their eyes.

"It is not like they are lying. They have to obey me since they are my employees. If i am not strict they will start taking me lightly and...... i hate it" he reasoned looking in the files except the last part where he looked straight into his friend's eyes.

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