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After their visit to namjoo's place kyungsoo's family got in to the car and drove off.

Kyungsoo kept looking out of the window recollecting how namjoo has thanked him. Her smile, her eyes which were twinkling while thanking him was engrained in his mind.

His smile was consistent but the arrogant mask on his face made it difficult to read him.

His father finally asked out of curiousity "So, now that you have seen her do you like her?".

Kyungsoo leaned on the seat, resting his head "Dad, i need some time to think" he expressed.

"But bro" sowon objected.

Kyungsoo interrupted "You stay out of this" he warned for which she kept quiet.

"Well, how did it happen?" he asked his parents curiously as namjoo and her family were complete strangers to them.

His father began telling the story.

Kyungsoo's parents invited their friend who also was a well known match maker.

"Mr. Lim, welcome" said kyungsoo's father.

The man took a seat when requested. He showed them the girl's pictures which were equal to their social status.

"These all are from a very well known families, have big business backgrounds. I am sure you can increase your business relations" he said.

"We are searching a bride for my son Mr.Lim not making a business deal. What we care for is a girl who can spread happiness in this family and love my son. I don't care about her being rich or poor, she must be a kind girl, that's it" kyungsoo's mom reasoned strictly.

Mr.lim gulped "I am sorry. Let me search for some more" he said and searched his bag.

While he was checking, a photograph fell down from the bag.

Kyungsoo's mother noticed that and picked it up. Her lips turned up watching the girl in the picture.

She showed that to her husband and both smiled at each other.

"Mr.Lim, why didn't you show us this girl's picture? She looks so beautiful and decent. We liked her" kyungsoo's father asked.

The man took it in his hands and looked at the picture.

"Mr and Mrs. Do, you better forget about this girl" he explained.

They frowned listening to that.

"But why she is such a beautiful girl" they argued why was he saying that.

"One of my match making friends gave that picture to me today. This girl is not from a rich family. I heard that her father is a bit weird. I don't know the details as that's what my friend said....please just forget about her" he explained sincerely.

"I don't know but we want this girl for our kyungsoo" She declared and her husband agreed to it.

"Please arrange for a meeting with her father. We will talk to him" he requested.

Mr.Lim accepted in defeat and set a meeting date.

It was the day of meeting, kyungsoo's parents were meeting namjoo's father at a decided place. As they were on the way, their car broke down. They stood outside but a vehicle passing by emitted smoke, simultaneously splashed water on them which resulted in their clothes getting dirty. It was pretty isolated place and it was getting quite late for the meeting. Fortunately, they found a taxi and hired it. On the way they noticed a small clothes shop and purchased clothes. They changed into it. Having no other choice but go along, they reached the designated place.

[Exopink : Kyungjoo] A bumpy rideTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang