Drenched in happiness

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After the acceptance from both the parties, the elders discussed and settled an auspicious date for the engagement of kyungsoo and namjoo.

Namjoo was really tensed after hearing the news.

Finally, she was a step closer to the marriage. Number of thoughts ran through her mind. But what was disturbing her was her father wasn't doing anything to break this marriage which was suspicious.

I never thought a day will come when i will be married, never thought this occasion will come in my life too. I think i should stop myself from being happy because when ever happiness comes to me, the sadness follows. I am scared. I am really afraid of my own fate. God, help me please. You are the only one i have.

"What are you thinking?" disturbed yerim.

Namjoo explained "We need to tell the truth yerim. I mean kyungsoo-ssi he doesn't know that our family.....i don't want to hide the truth. I can't do this. I don't want to start a new relationship with a lie".

Yerim's face turned pale "But namjoo once they know our family's condition will they accept you? I mean it is true you didn't do anything but still. They think ours is some ideal family filled with love" she reasoned.

"Atleast it is better knowing now than later" namjoo stated.

Her mother barged into the room, overhearing their conversation "Nobody is saying anything" she declared.

"Mom!!" namjoo said sternly, objecting her idea.

"Stop it namjoo. After a long wait you are getting engaged that too into a respectable family on that kyungsoo is a perfect man. Why are you stepping on your own happiness?" she questioned.

Before she could talk her mother interrupted "Enough of this discussion. We are not telling them anything" she declared and left them alone.

Namjoo could only sigh.

Yerim glanced at her "Is something else bothering you?" she asked noticing that wasn't the only thing she is troubled about.

Namjoo revealed "I want to talk to kyungsoo-ssi about something but..." she remained silent thinking something deeply.

"Oohh...Shall i get his number?" yerim suggested.

"It is not funny" she scoffed. "Anyway, why did they decide the engagement this early?" she frowned as it was just a few days away.

"You didn't tell hyesung yet?" asked yerim.

Namjoo shook her head "I am planning to tell her but....." she left the sentence incomplete and sighed.

Yerim nodded as she understood her.

It was the day of hyesung's wedding.

Namjoo reached the wedding venue dressed in a peach coloured dress. Hurriedly she reached the venue as she was one of the bridesmaids. Straightaway she went to the waiting room to meet her.

"Sorry" namjoo pleaded joining her hands watching hyesung glaring at her.

"I had an important work to do" namjoo explained when she didn't even speak to her.

After pleading and begging she accepted her apology.

The marriage ceremony was about to start. The guests have arrived. Namjoo took a seat after her task was done.

She kept looking at people's happy faces and smiled. She could see the bride and groom's families happily chatting and getting along with each other.

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