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- dressing up as Johnny and Baby from Dirty Dancing
- "hey y/n...I was wondering if maybe we could recreate that scene where Johnny slow dances with Baby and makes out with her and squeezes her butt since yaknow, we're dressed up as them?"
- "shove it, Wolfhard."
- going to an insane costume party and having the time of your lives (wink, wink) dancing together and just having fun
- eventually ditching the party and going to the store to buy tons of candy
- going to the park and laying down in the grass to look up at the stars and pig out on candy together

- dressing up as Mario and Peach
- Wyatt chanting "Mario!" in Mario's high-pitched accent all night
- walking around town together and finding a kid dressed as Bowser
- him screaming "NOT TODAY, BOWSER!!!" and scooping you up in his arms before running away from the kid
- "yaknow, now that I think about it, we so should have dressed up as Olaf and Anna from Frozen."
- going to the playground in the park and fooling around together

- staying in all night and watching horror movies together
- handing out candy to the occasional kid that came to the door
- settling on the living room couch with tons of warm fuzzy blankets, candy, and popcorn
- "this movie is absolutely terrifying."
- "eh. still not as good as IT."
- "...this much is true."

- dressing up as cool-looking skeletons
- "we should go scare kids and take their candy."
- "no. don't be evil, Jack."
- him trying to scare you
- having a trick or treating contest to see who could get more candy
- both of you end up getting sugar highs

- going to several haunted houses
- her holding onto your arm the whole time
- seeing people dressed up as clowns
- "that one looks like a Pennywise minion, you think we should ask him if he is one?"
- "oh, be quiet, Y/N..."
- giving the workers awkward stares when they try and jumpscare you

- having a sleepover together
- watching a bunch of bad horror movies
- playing horror video games in the dark
- looking up creepy horror stories and reading them
- "Chosie, I can't sleep now."
- he lets you get into his bed and cuddle with him so you can sleep easier

- carving pumpkins together and making cool jack-o-lanterns
- dressing up as a cowboy and cowgirl
- singing I Wanna Be A Cowboy by Boys Don't Cry for the rest of the night
- trick or treating for hours and getting loads of candy
- sneaking into the cemetery
- claiming you're both gonna stay overnight, but hear a creepy sound and end up running back to his house

- dressing up as Batman and Catwoman
- "these outfits are kinda lame."
- "aye, shut it, Hamilton. would you rather have been Superman and Lois Lane?"
- "...you've proved your point...still think I'd have been a sexy Clark Kent though."
- going to a relatively small costume party with friends
- being insanely wild the rest of the night

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