mornings; pt. 1

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- waking up to his arms wrapped around you tightly
- him muttering "good morning, beautiful" in his groggy morning voice (a/n. ok, but just imagine how hot his morning voice probably is)
- "i hate to say this, but we need to get up, finnie."
- "just five more minutes." he says, burying his face in the crook of your neck
- playing with his nappy curls
- sleepy neck kisses
- him wearing a ratty white t-shirt that's way too big for him and flannel pajama pants
- you wearing one of his band tees and a pair of his old grey sweatpants
- making scrambled eggs and bacon together
- jamming out to twin peaks to wake yourselves up; this usually ends up with him singing into a spatula and you laughing at him

- waking up to him spooning you
- you guys actually manage to get up decently quick
- him wearing basketball shorts and an old sweatshirt of his
- you wearing his t-shirt and your favorite pair of comfy shorts that you own with knee socks
- him pouting for a kiss
- "neither of us have brushed our teeth yet, sicko!" you exclaim, laughing at him and playfully shoving his chest away
- drinking your morning cup of coffee together (a/n. if you don't like coffee, then pretend you have tea or juice instead)
- him giving you a behind the back hug as you do your makeup in the mirror
- going to denny's when you both finish getting ready because neither of you wanna cook breakfast

- waking up facing him
- gazing at each other through tired eyes
- "morning, waifu."
- "morning, weeaboo."
- "sleep well?"
- "i slept next to you, so of course."
- he lets you cook breakfast because he knows he'd probably burn the house down if he did
- he wraps his arms around your torso from behind and pulls you into him as you face the stove
- you both wear matching flannel pajamas

- you wake up to him facing you with a huge, sleepy grin on his face
- "what?" you ask, laughing lightly
- "i was just admiring my beautiful girlfriend."
- him actually attempting to do breakfast in bed for you and not doing too bad
- brushing your teeth together and him pressing his toothpaste-coated lips to yours; he eventually started trailing towards your neck, getting toothpaste all over it as you tried to pull him away through fits of giggles because you knew he was just trying to be silly
- you both wearing matching superhero pajamas (a/n. idc if you don't like superheroes because they're awesome and you'll have to accept it for this preference to work, mwuhaha)

Part two will be out soon enough *shoots thumbs up*

it cast ↠ preferences | book oneजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें