Chapter 2 - First Interactions

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Chapter 2

Phil's POV

June 15th 2009

I had been out of university now for two months and I was close to becoming a home hermit, I haven't left my parents' home yet and I haven't bought my own place and due to all my friends having jobs I literally have no one to talk to. I had uploaded a few videos since leaving the university but apart from that I've done nothing productive. I mean, I wasn't completely out of university as I had one final exam piece due in at the end of August, but I didn't have to be at the university to do it.

As I got out of bed, letting the cold chill run over my body, I picked up my phone and checked my phone to see I had a text from Alex, my old university roommate. He was pretty cool, long hair, wore glasses and had a strong Northern accent. We had grown close after sharing a dorm with eight other people but I wouldn't go as far as us being close friends. You see, I wasn't exactly social with the people in my dorm as they just thought I was weird because I talked to a camera about my life and then post it online; so I just tended to avoid them. Alex wasn't too bad as he explained how he thought it was cool that I had a good communication with people all around the world, but I could tell he just said that so I didn't feel bad, still, that was better then what the others had said so I went along with his little lie and decided that I would try to stay in touch with him after university since he lived in York near the university whilst I lived in Rossendale.

Well it has been two months and I've only met up with him once and chatted to him on Skype a few times, so that was going well...

I checked the text he had sent me:

Hey dude, a few mates and I are going on a road trip around your part of town on the 21st so I was wondering if ya wanna come

I didn't particularly want to go but I guess I had nothing better to do; if I didn't want to go on the day then I'd just text him saying I was feeling ill.

I then proceeded to check twitter to see how some of my 'phillions' were doing, as cheesy" as that name was i didn't like calling then fans... it made me feel uncomfortable. I know that a few were going through a rough time at the moment and I wanted to make them feel better by letting them know I was there for them. I sent out a few direct messages to some of them, it really did make me feel sad sometimes because I just hate knowing that people I love are feeling depressed and since I love each and every one of my followers I felt I had to protect them from bad things. However it was also nice to be told that my videos were helping people as well when dealing with tough times, which I was not expecting because I just uploaded these videos trying to entertain people, I never expected them to change people's lives.

After sending out a tweet saying how I was up too early for a Monday morning considering I didn't have to be anywhere, I shuffled over to the shower and turned on the radio to hear a bit of Muse blasting through the speakers. I peeled off my pyjama bottoms and got into the shower. I made sure to sing as loud as I could to the amazing voice of Matt Bellamy, obviously not reaching the top notes, but trying my best!

As the song came to an end, I suddenly reached the part of my shower where I would suddenly go into deep thoughts about my life.

My life was kind of boring, nothing interesting has really happened, I mean I did start YouTube and now have over fifty thousand subscribers, but that was my online life; my real life wasn't all that. I had never moved from my parents' home, except for my years at university, I've never had that many friends. I mean, I had a few friends that I use to play out with when I was younger, but I've never had a best friend, someone who I would always talk to for a long time. I've only had two girlfriends in my life, both not being serious, lasting no more than a week or two and they both ended badly so I never spoke to them again anyway, actually, thinking about it, the second relationship ending over a year ago now and since then I've never really found any girl attractive. I wasn't gay, but I've never found anyone attractive, boy or girl. Maybe my mind was just waiting for the right one, or maybe, probably more realistically, my mind had just given up on finding someone and accepted that I was most likely going to end up alone with a pet goldfish called Jeremy.

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