Moving Forward

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The Imam being the kind soft hearted person he is, thought nothing  of helping the political party that seemed genuine, and for the "poor man".

Only to be betrayed, after the party would have gotten into power.

Some among the community would ask to themselves when would he learn.

Moving forward is always pains taking.

Just like a tree, when it grows the old leaves fall off and new one grow out.

An organization is the same when growth begins.

So it was with the Jamaat there was no exception,  as some key brothers who were taught to be loyal decided that their views were different to their leader.

For instant the brother closest to the Imam, the one taught to be his second in command during the revolution, left the community due to a grievance over the collection of the damages, that was awarded by the state.

This brother eventually forming his own community with the other brothers who left with him.

Then there was another brother, who everyone thought very loyal to their leader,  he left because his views on the teaching the Imam was giving did not sound right to him.

This brother was eventually shot while he performed his morning devotion, leaving him in a wheelchair(paralysing him from the waist down).

A lot of dedicated brothers left as well because they saw these political parties, for what they are(selfish, spineless leaches), that just bleed the country dry.

These brothers would always wondered, how could the Imam be so blind, after all that  was promised to them, would never reach them.

The Jamaat even though of the rumbling,  were doing better than before.

The children of Madresa Al  Muslimeen started to shine .

Every year for Common Entrance exam, the school will get a pass rate of 90%, most of the children got the school of their first choice.

Education is always the key to take you out of poverty.

The journey now start.

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