The Direction of theWind has Changed

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Change was in the air, all over the world had just celebrated the new millennium. 01st January 2000 had come and gone.

The direction of the Jamaat Al Muslimeen was changing as well, they were moving away from the 1990 image, and going into the educating the masses.

Alot of his sermons were more on teachings of the Quran, and the Prophet Muhammad(Upon Whom Be Peace). He also taught on how to live a pure life in a corrupt duniya(world).

From inception, as discussed in an earlier chapter  mostly young persons were flocking to the Mosque and they need to learn  how to totally submit to the will of God through peace.

Religion wasn't the only teachings being taught, being an advocate for education he encouraged young people to be formally educated(learning to read and write).

In the words of the Mighty Sparrow,"there is no room in this whole wide world for an uneducated boy or girl". These words needed no explanation.

Lack of education, I may add is the downfall of the African community. There is an old saying if you want to hide anything from the"black man", put it in a book he will never look there. Black man refers to both sexes.

Considering that the first university was founded in Africa, and ancient Africa was where Sciences and Mathematics were invented(Egypt). Instead of coming a long way we are set back a long way try four hundred years.

The other races learnt from our mistakes, and are now the ones who are at the top of the food chain, and we have remained at the bottom.

Hence the reason they ran the country for the past five years.

Then on the 11th December 2000, Trinidadians went to the polls again. No need to guess the results were the same again. The Mr Pandey led U.N.C coalition government won again.

Part of the deal for the coalition, was that Tobago East Member of Parliament. The Ex Prime Minister A.N.R Robinson was to become President of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. 

Just a short note Mr Robinson is the only politician in history to date, who served as Chief Secretary of the Tobago House of Assembly, Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago and also President of the republic of Trinidad and Tobago.

Any how this victory was short lived, as four members of the ruling party defected in 2001, causing the  population to go back to the polls.

The elections brought another tie and this time  His Excellency Mr Robinson used his better judgment and award the government to the P.N.M.

It is wise to note that Corruption had reached it's highest at this point examples are the airport fiasco With the awarding of contracts in the building of the Piarco International Airport.

Then who could forget the "Sheriff" the late Minister of Local Government Mr Dhanraj Singh who allegedly was involved in running Ghost Gangs in the Unemployment Relief Programme which was design to help unemployment in rural communities.

Corruption at its highest Peak.
How are we going to fight it.

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