Chapter 1: From Kyoto to Tokyo

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6:30 am, Kuroko's residence @ Kyoto

"Are you done packing your stuff, Miya?" My mom shouted from downstairs, "Sooner or later, the new owner of this house will arrive."

"Just a minute, mom!" I tried my best to shout but knowing my voice, it probably didn't reach her.

My clothes are already packed inside the luggage. I just need to gather all of my things that I need for writing. Dictionary, check! Thesaurus, check! Notebook, check! My final works, check! Finally, my fountain pen... Eh?! Where's my fountain pen?! I searched again in my room but it is nowhere to be found. Mou.... I can feel my tears starting to form in my eyes.

"Is this what you're looking for?" My dad asked, holding the pen in his right hand.

Suddenly, my eyes started to glow. I saw my father's shocked face. Maybe because I usually wear a stoic face. But who cares? I immediately stood up and took the pen. "Thanks, dad!"

Well, this fountain pen is special because a cousin of mine gave this to me. Because of this pen, my talent as a writer grew. I never thought that he will notice my talent. He's a really good observer, plus he is excellent in Japanese so that's why he urged me to become a writer. In my middle school days, I became a feature writer in our school paper. Now that I'm leaving my school, in the middle of the semester, I need to submit my final works to our feature editor. This will be my farewell gift to my fellow writers.

"Someone's waiting for you outside." Dad informed me, pointing his thumb finger outside. "Are you sure that's not your boyfriend?" That must be Yamamoto-senpai, my feature editor. He told me yesterday that he will pick up my work here. I told him it was not necessary but he still insisted.

"I'm quite sure." I assured my dad. They say that fathers are protective. This must be it.

I took my works and put them in a folder. I went outside to meet him. The theme for my works is about "Hometown". It consist of one haikyu and one essay. I just finished it last night so my eyebugs are visible. Yamamoto-senpai must be messing up with me. The theme is ironic because I will be leaving Kyoto today, my hometown.

"Here it is, Yamamoto-senpai." Holding it with my both hands, I gave it to him.

"Arigato gazaimasu, Kuroko-chan. Have you reflected on something while writing these?" Yamamoto-senpai asked curiously. But I can see the look in his eyes. Sad, maybe?

"Hai. While writing my works, I realized that I should be the one thanking you." I replied. I saw that he was suprised by my answer. "When I entered the Writer's Club, you were the one who taught me about the basics and the things that I should learn about being a writer. So for the last time, let me do this. Arigato gozaimasu, Yamamoto senpai!" I bowed as a sign of respect for him.

"Eh?! Anoo.. Miya, you don't have to thank me. So can you please stand up straight." As he said that, I straighten myself and he touch my shoulders. "You had already the talent. All I need to do was lead you the way. And besides, that's not the thing I want you to realize."

"What do you mean?" I asked

It took him a minute to answer. "Do you really have to leave?"

So my first theory was correct. "Yamamoto-senpai, so you were..... Messing up with me?" I asked in an angry tone.

He took a step backward and put his hands up in a surrender position. "No! Definitely not! I just want you to think about your decision leaving here for Tokyo."

"Senpai, you don't need to give me that theme because just thinking about leaving makes me sad. But I need to because my parents will be worried about me if I don't join them. Mom finally gets her dream job as a physical therapist in a hospital and my dad builds a new Dojo to teach more students. I can't miss my parents having their goals within their reach." I look up in the sky to stop the tears from forming in my eyes.

"Okay, I lose." I look at him as he rode his bike. "Just be happy there. Come back here soon! The club already misses you.." He said as he wear his helment and drove his bike to school. Apparently there is an early ceremony there.

"Miya, let's go! The bags all here!" Dad yelled from the rented car. He also hired a driver to escort us to the airport.

I hopped in the car and when suddenly my phone vibrated. I opened it and read the mail that was sent by my cousin.

From: Tetsu-nii
Subject: hello

I know its early to text you at this time of the day but I just want to say that I'm excited to see you later. Mom said that you will stay with us for 2 days while auntie and uncle arrange your new house and Dojo. Stay safe and enjoy your trip!

"Mom, I told you I can help with the house."I insisted.

"We know that Miya but you still have to arrange your papers for enrollment, right?" My mom implied.

"Oh, right. I completely forgot about it."I remembered my papers inside my luggage.

"Have you decided where to study?" Father wondered.

"Hai. I've decided to enroll in Teiko High school." I answered with a smile.

And so my journey to Tokyo starts right now!


So guys, whatcha think? This is my first FanFic! Hope you guys like it!

Because of this fanfic, I had an important decision to make,,,. I need to hold my current story "Forgotten Tears" for a while.. T.T

The reason for this is that I'm not good at multitasking. I was writing my first story when this story just popped up on my head. My mind bugs me so I decided to write this fanfic.

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Arigato gozaimasu!!! :D

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