Chapter 3: Passion

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"I'll be buying drinks for you guys. What do you want, Kagami-kun, Tetsu-nii?" Miya-chan rubbed her sweat off while asking us for drinks.

"Sports drink will be fine." Kagami-kun requested. He was also wipping off his sweat with a towel.

"Me too." When I said that, Miya-chan looked at me.

"You can't have a sports drink, Tetsu-nii. Sports drinks are needed when you're active. You didn't play today. It will be bad for your health." Miya-chan warned me.

"Oh right. Anything would be fine then." I can't win an arguement with Miya-chan especially when it comes to the body.

After hearing our request, she skidded her way out of the court. All I can hear now is the panting sound of Kagami-kun.

"What......... was........ that..... about? That was scary." Kagami-kun was stuttering.

"Apparently, her mother is a physical therapist. Because of that, Miya-chan is knowledgable about the human body. She told me that she frequently visits her mother at the hospital to watch her work. It always amazes her whenever a patient recovers." I explained. "So how was Miya-chan?" I changed the subject because this was our true objective, for Miya-chan to learn basketball.

"Come on, I know you saw her play. You must be jealous right now, huh?" He teased, with a grin on his face.

"That would be impossible," I denied, "because I already expected it."

"Hmph! Well, she's a natural, I may say. She's got fast reflexes and a fast learner. I would really want to see her play in a real game." He commented while spinning the ball with his index finger.

"Don't worry, that time will come soon."

"You mean she will be playing? In a basketball team? If I'm not mistaken, Seirin doesn't have a women's basketball club..." He wondered.

"She will not study in Seirin, Kagami-kun."

"Eh?! Where would she be studying?!"

"That would be in Teiko High School." A sudden voice interrupted us.




"That would be Teiko High School." I interrupted their conversation.


"Wahhh!!!" Kagami-kun wailed but Tetsu-nii only yelped a little.

"You scared us, Miya-chan." Tetsu-nii complained.

"Now you know what that feels, Kuroko!" Kagami-kun exclaimed.

I was getting the drinks in the plastic when I heard murmurs at the bench. Maybe they are talking about guy things. I should not mind them.

"Here's your sports drink, Kagami-kun. And for Tetsu-nii, vanilla milkshake." I gave them their respective drinks and sat beside Tetsu-nii while drinking my own sports drink.

"That was fast..." Kagami-kun commented.

"I ran." I emotionlessly replied

After five minutes of silence, I finally spoke.

"How did I do, Kagami-kun?"

"Not bad for a beginner. You are completely opposite to your cousin." He teased Tetsu-nii.

"Drop it." Tetsu-nii blurted while looking seriously at Kagami-kun.

"I'm completely energized!" Kagami-kun stand and dribbled the ball. "You haven't seen Kuroko played, right? Miya-san?" He grinned at me. "Now you're gonna see how Kuroko sucks on one-on-one!"

He then passed the ball to Tetsu-nii, who was in a receving stance already. I stand up and quickly stole the ball and rested it on my waist.

"I refuse."

"Ah!" Both of them were startled by my actions.

"Kagami-kun," I looked at him seriously, "you're already at your limit. We practiced for about 3 hours, without breaks." I averted my gaze to his legs. "If you continue this for another hour, you will injure your leg again." I warned him.

"What?! Kuroko, you bastard! Did you tell her about my injury?!" He snarled at Tetsu-nii.

Tetsu-nii didn't even flinched. "I told you Kagami-kun, her mom's a *PT. She knows even for just one look on what's wrong with your body."

"Tetsu-nii's right. So please stop yelling." Kagami-kun calmed down and sat to the bench.

"I'm sorry to the both of you." He apologized, looking down on the floor.

"Its okay. Let's go home because we're going to have practice again tomorrow, right?" I requested.

"Tomorrow, at 6:30 am. Here at the court. Don't be late!" We packed up and left the court.

We went home but because Kagami-kun's house is in the opposite direction, we parted ways. Tetsu-nii and I walked together, having a smile on my face.

"What do you think, about basketball?" Tetsu-nii interrupted my happy thoughts.

"It was fun! Never felt this rush before!" I squailed in excitement.

"I don't want to ruin your fantasy but.... What about writing?" He questioned me with a worried face. "When I heard about you transferring school, I thought you will still be joining a writing club.."

"Nah!" I suddenly froze when I heard about writing. How could I forget such an important thing?!

"Miya-chan, daijobou? Miya-chan?" He shake me several times but still my body couldn't respond to it. "Miya-chan, are you listening?"

"Eh?" I finally recovered from the shock.

"Hahh.. I said in Teiko, you can have two clubs as long as you can manage. Knowing you being a hardworker, you can do both of you passion."

"Really?! Yehey! Arigato, Tetsu-nii!" I hugged him with joy. He hugged me back and tap my back. We then released our hug and then smiled at each other.

"Shall we resume walking. Its already late. Let's hurry back."

"Hai!" I replied with my right arm up in the air.


*PT-Physical Therapist

Miya's journey to Teiko is coming near!!!

Please wait for the next chapter! :)

Author: Oi Kagami! What were you two whispering about a while ago?

Kagami: That's none of your business author-san!!

Tetsuya: It was about Miya-chan studying at Teiko. Apparently she doesn't know about the generation of miracles.

Kagami: Oi Kuroko! Don't spill the beans!

Tetsuya: Sumimasen, it was because author-san didn't mention it in the story.

Kagami: Is that so.. Now you know, author-san! *pointed at author-san*

Author: Don't you point your finger at someone's face! Learn some manners!


Tetsuya: Author-san, kowai(scary)...

Kagami: Ku-ro-ko!

>Conversation ends<

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