Chapter 13: Unexpected Visitors

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~Miya's POV

Midorima's Kitchen

I was about to help Midorima-chan in washing the dishes but she refused and continued what she was doing. Kazuha-chan and I both looked at her amazement. How come a first-year like her be this tall? In our team, she's third to the tallest, being Murasakibara-senpai as the 'kyojin' and Riyoka-senpai being the second.

The awkward silence was then cut by the girl beside me, "Ne, Shin-chan~. How come you're this tall when you're just 14-yrs-old?"

"Eh?!" I was obviously shocked by that question. She's just 14?!

"It's in the genes, I think?" she shyly replied, not even looking at us.

"You're geniusness must be in the genes then? Beauty and brains I must say.. Skipping two grades is an extraordinary feat, you know. Right, Mi-chan?" She elbowed me, waiting for a reply.

"Yes. Not everyday you can see a person like that." I quickly thought of an appropriate response.

I saw her jump in surprise and faced us with a flustered expression, "Eh?! A--arigato! I don't know if I'm even worthy of your compliments..."

"We're not lying! You deserve those compliments. By the way, what's the real reason behind inviting us over for a sleep-over?"

"How did you know?!" she franctically asked.

"I'm not saying anything! So there's really a reason behind this?" Kazuha-chan smirked.

Midorima-chan twiddled her fingers and admiited, "Today is 'International Sleep-Over Day' and also, I've read the advance Oha-asa horoscope last night and Cancer's lucky item for today are visitors..."

"I thought you birthday was on March?" Kazuha-chan raised her eyebrows and crossed her arms.

"Its... aniki's horoscope."

"Ehhh.. even though he's cold to you.."

"So why is your brother rude to us?" I asked directly.

"I heard from nii-chan that he's always like that." Kazuha-chan commented.

"Its not like that.. I think he was reminded by his former team mates."

"You mean the Kiseki no Sedai?" Kazuha-chan asked but with a assuring tone.

"Kiseki... No Sedai?"

"You don't know them, Miya-chan? Even though your cousin is the Phantom Sixth Man."

"Phantom Sixth Man?" More unfamiliar words are coming out.

"Ne, Shin-chan. Are you done already?" Kazuha-chan yawned.

"Sumimasen! Five minutes!" She then resumed washing th dishes.

After Midorima-chan finished her chores, we all went to the basement to get pur bags. The green-head girl then escorted us upstairs to her room. It was located at the left side of the hallway while her brother's was just adjacent to it. Her parent's room was on the same side of her room and the bathroom was located at the end of the hall.

"Come in. Sorry if its a bit messy.."

I didn't mind the mess in Midorima-chan's room, but rather noticed her collection of medals and trophies. The medals were in a giant frame while her trophies were displayed in a glass cabinet. I can hear Midorima-chan explaining the mess in her room but my eyes were still attracted to the vast collection of hers. I glanced at my left and saw Kaxuha-chan dropping her jaws in the process.

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