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Ok, so today started off badly...

I woke up late and yea... I rushed so much that I left my phone at home.

Remember the homework that I didn't finish yesterday? I managed to complete it in Art class. We've already finished the art 'syllabus' so we had free time fr an hour. Thank God. I completed my homework then.

Science was fine, English was boring. Don't get me wrong, I like English. The teacher is the boring one. He's too stiff, needs to chillax more.

Chinese was torture. We had to do OEQs. I hate doing those.

Math was rather fine. I finished my homework early so I had time to draw a couple of things.

That's all for school.

At home...

YAY, not much homework! Procrastinating, doin hw,  drawing, going on wattpad and yea. Did 2 Listening Comprehensions.

Went over to grandparents' house for dinner. Parents went shopping. Did math assessment while jamming to awesome music while waiting for parents to come pick us up.

Went home, packed bag and whatever. Today was an uneventful day, excluding the fun I had blasting music in my elder sister's ear. Her reaction was AMAZING!!!

Anyways, its 10.30pm already. night

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