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Sorry guys for not updating yesterday. I was really busy. After school ended at 3.30pm, I had to rush home and prepare for tuition. I left the house at 4.30pm, and came back at about 7.50. After dinner, it was around 8pm. Went to go do homework, blah blah blah. Left the house at 8.30pm to go see doctor. So yea. I barely managed to finish my homework... Now, I have medicine for fever( which I don't have(yet)),runny nose, cough and lozenges. GAH...

Today was tiring, I guess. Before I went to school, I was already tired. Then I just HAD to drink the cough mixture, which causes drowsiness. I was struggling soooo hard not to fall asleep during SC and EL class...(8.30-10.30am)

Recess was ok. though I had to drink that disgusting Pi Pa Gao thingy.( IDK how to spell it)

The period after recess, CL, was horrible cause I had to eat the lozenges. It was grape flavoured but minty. I hate minty, spicy, bitter or sour stuff...

The form teachers' period was kinda cringey cause the teachers gave out stationery prepared by the teachers for or PSLE. The cringe part is cause the form cher explained to us why they packed those items... Sigh... Fr example, an elastic band for us to stretch to our full potential or something like that...

My parents went to my mum's grand aunt's wake with my uncle. Then their gonna fetch my AWESOME cousin n bringing him to my house. He n my uncle is flying back to Indonesia (Aww) fr my cousin's dk what taekwondo exam thingy. I'm actually closer to my elder cuz than my sisters. We love to prank either each other/ my sisters.

Thanks for all the reads guys! Keep da votes coming in! XP

Peace out & Gd night!

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