15/9/17 (5.04 pm)

27 1 3

Hey guys. The exam was pretty manageable... I guess. To b honest, I was enjoying myself until a while ago. Someone I really trust had hit a nerve.

It's actually pretty hard for me to trust anyone so yea. It was a pretty big blow to me. My mum had almost kicked me out of the house a couple of months back and I ran away from home at the age of 9. If you don't get what i mean, I meant that I dint really trust people... I guess I have trust issues or whatever you call them. I'm damned upset bout it and yea. I've harboured thoughts of committing suicide before and the only reason I'm still alive are because of the cousin that I'm really close to and my friends.

I seriously can't believe it...

Don't worry, I won't go jumping off. I still have many other friends that actually care.

This is one of the reason that I hate boys. No offence.

Currently, he's apologizing... I really have no idea what to do.
@ guy who upset me, I'm really just voicing my thoughts. Plz don't be upset because of me. I'm not worth it.

I'm close to tears and I don't care if others call me weak or pathetic. I really have difficulty expressing my emotions so yea. No hate plz...

Peace out, share your thoughts and whatever.

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