
10 0 3

Wassup people?

Today's been pretty shitty... I almost cried twice today. First time was at about 7.40 am during morning assembly, where 3 out of 4 of my orientation facils stepped down from the student council.  TT.TT

One of them was my not-related-to-blood-brother. Yea, I have a lot of those... well, only 3. And 3 not-related-by-blood sisters. Anyways, back to the topic.

There's only one orientation facil who was in charge of my class that is still in the student council now... TT.TT

After the reading period (when I almost cried), Math and Geography classes, was recess...

I agreed to go play table tennis with 3 of my friends and finally managed to cheer up a bit, while teaching one of them how to play, and smacking the 3 of them a couple of times ( basically whacking the ball really hard if u really dunno what that is).

When we came back, a really good friend of mine, told me that a fight between two boys broke out when we were gone. And it turned physical. I hate it when people fight. Its just really, I dunno, sad? Furthermore it's between someone I consider a friend (idk if he does too), and a fellow cuber (even though I don't cube as much). I just can't stand any types of fights, between anyone I know,  so I'm actually relieved I wasn't there... It's really unlike those two to become angry, much less get violent. So it's either something happened to either of them before the fight started, or the insults were really offensive...

Afterwards, during the last hour of school, was PE. And it was the wushu test. They said that it would be individual, but we won't have to do it in front of the class. I think they mentioned that it would be recorded, and that already freaked me out enough. In the end, they just HAD to make us do it ONE BY ONE, IN THE MIDDLE of the dance studio, in front of 30 OTHER STUDENTS(Cause 1 went for competition and one was absent), plus being RECORDED by the camera.

That was literally torture for me.

I'm camera shy, and have stage fright, so it was really scary. Sure, I may have got better at presenting stuff infront of others,  but that was talking. Performing is another matter entirely.

I literally froze at some points and could not remember the steps. At the end, I was also pretty wobbly, when I normally have pretty good balance. I was so scared, frightened, I dunno, but somewhere around there. When I finally finished, I went back to my original sitting spot and sat down in that position where your knees are brought up, crossed (I dunno how to describe it so dun judge people). And yea, that's the second time I almost cried. My heart was still pounding, was on the verge of tears, stuff like that. And as usual, I doubt anyone actually noticed. So far I can't even think of one person who can actually tell when I'm about to cry. Well, if I am about to cry silently that is. So I guess if you can, you're a really really really close friend of mine who knows me extremely well. And to the bro and sista who were in my class last year and has wattpad, I didn't "cry silently" last year cause R2D2 was so goddamned fun.

Welp, enough of the drama.


Well, we're gonna play kinball, which is super fun, basketball, which I have no idea how people actually score when shooting, andddddd...

We have to run 62km as a class... damn it...

There are 33 students in each Secondary 1 class and each student must run a minimum of 4 rounds, and a maximum of 6 rounds.  12 of the girls are only running 4 rounds, while 6 of us are running 5 rounds. The last girl runs 6 rounds. I'm one of the 6 girls who have to run 5 rounds. Well... at least its better than the boys. 7 of them running 6 rounds, 5 of them running 4 rounds, and 2 of them running 5 rounds. Sad life for them. *shrugs*

I'm more excited for kinball. I played that in my primary school last year, and it was awesome. Partially because there's always a bunch of people trying to steal the huge ass ball from the instructor when he's holding the ball and trying to tell us what to do. Of course, I was amongst them, and managed to steal the ball a couple of times, passing it to the other students, who then proceeded to push the ball around in the air before the instructor manages to get a hold of the ball again, him being a lot taller than us.

Haizz... time to stop procrastinating and do homework... sheesh.



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