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Today was pretty saddening I guess. It was the:

Last time I would see my decorated classroom,

Last time I would see my classmates in a class setting,

Last time I would see my teachers standing at the front of the class, teaching us,

Last school day before prize giving and PSLE result day,

Last time I would be in the auditorium as a school leader,

Last time I would be part of the school council,

Last time I would see the friends younger than me,

Last time I would see my table tennis coach.

When we were taking down all the decorations, I sorta felt like a part of me had just died. That's the first time that happened so I was sorta weirded out. The classroom was the first thing the we worked on decorating together, as a class, at the start of the year, in January. Even though we didn't notice it, that class was where our lessons were held, where we bonded, where our friendship began/bloomed. That classroom is where we I got a brother and a sister. I guess I didn't wanna accept that I'm gonna leave the school cause when we were tearing down the decisions, it suddenly seemed so real n there was this indescribable feeling. I really dk.

I'll miss da teachers. Well, the ones that I like at least. They've really helped me this past 6 years. Especially my primary 1 form teacher. I'll probably miss her the most. I'm the closest to her.

Next,the friends. I'll miss all of them. The fun times we had, the many good memories we share. Heck, I'll even miss the playful teasing I get from some of my friends. They're the reason why I'm not dead yet. I'm not prepared to let them go.

Last but not least, I'll miss the school and its facilities. The computer lab, the music room, the science labs, the PE storeroom n mostly, the library and the table tennis room.

So that's about it. I really hope that I'll make close friends in the new secondary school next year, while maintaining the friendship i have with my current friends. Especially with those I call my brothers and sisters.

Moony out!

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