
16 0 11

2.55 pm

School's over and I'm pissed. I have just endured a lecture. Why? Cause of my freaking elder sis (da real 1) being a blabber mouth. I'll tell you guys more later, my friggin mum is calling.

3.05 pm

I'm back. She wanted me to turn off the light and fan in the living room and bring over the dishes for her to wash. Then she lectured me about her only being able to recommend secondary schools, but the choice is mine. I've heard that about thousand times from her, since June! Fudge, my mum just came in. gtg.


UGH!! She can't leave me alone!!! Anyways, back to the first topic. I put the stack of stuff my teachers gave to us on the dining table, for my mother to see later, after lunch. When I told my mum bout it, I told her that the brochures were for the Secondary school choices. Then, my elder sister, who was sitting near my mum, said that she's certain that I'll get a 260+ out of 300. N I rebutted, saying that I didn't finish both of the Chinese compositions. Who knew, my mum actually forgot I told her about this and was shocked. Ugh. Then, the whole lecture began. She rambled on and on, about how I confirm cannot get 260+ and blah blah blah. Thanks a lot sis -_- cause of you, I got put down! I already knew that I shouldn't expect much, then now, she made my mum put me down even more. FUUUUUUUUUU... I won't say it here.

My elder sis is academically smart, and she managed to get a 272 out of 300 for PSLE even though she didn't finish one of her Chinese compositions and was halfway through. BUT. She's a blur block when it comes to other stuff and has pretty slow reactions. She's a goody 2 shoes and the typical model pupil. She was the former discipline mistress's pet when she was in Primary 2. I knew that cause I was also under the discipline mistress when I was in Primary 1 that year. The discipline mistress kept comparing my standard to my elder sister's, saying that I should learn from her. I was pissed.

I'll tell you guys bout my younger sis, da cousin my age later after I come back from playing at the nearby court. See ya!

5.50 pm

Whoop, playing there was fun. Especially WAVEBOARDING.

My younger sister is an asshole. She is bratty, a chatterbox, and doesn't know when to shut up. She relies too much on others and is a nosey parker. Whenever I am doing something, she will butt in and ask what I am doing. SO annoying.


My AWESOME cousin's personality is a lot like mine. He's funny, sarcastic and loves pranks. We often prank my elder sister A LOT. We like to wreck havoc in the house, be it in Indonesia or in Singapore. He's from Indonesia and I'm from Singapore. I sometimes play soccer with him in his house or other sports. When we're playing games, we'd ask each other for help, and yea. We spend the time we can together, causing mischief. As you can tell, we're close to each other, him being only a few months older than me.

I have to go for the Chinese tuition soon.... I've eaten dinner so yea. Adios!


I came home at 9.30... meh 

Da CL programme was pretty fun, surprisingly. The whole lesson was a game, Girls vs Boys. In the end da boys won... so sad.

Well, I think this is enough for today...


RandomnessTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon