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First of all, sorry for not updating earlier. I was kinda busy enjoying life and crocheting stuff for ppl...

School was fun, with the whole class playing card games and all. I'm just gonna skip to the interesting parts.

When Chicken Choy  (she's a teacher my class dislikes)   came into da classroom, one of da first things she said was that da primary fives are taking their exams, and that she wanted us to be quiet. The class was already considered pretty quiet, compared to our usual selves, screaming, yelling, laughing our heads off. BUT. That stu*id Chicken Choy thought that we were "too noisy" and decided to give us a lecture -_- Wonderful...

She then went on about how another class was soooooo quiet and cooperative that she took a video of them and sent it to their form teacher. She played the video and asked us to listen to da volume of noise they made. My group and I started snickering slightly. If they were soooo quiet, what was there for us to listen to?! DUH!! XP

After da annoying cher finished nagging and let us go back playing, she said that if we talked loud enough for her to hear what we were saying, she would confiscate our cards/whatever we were playing with. My group was already whispering, then the friggin cher decided to stand right next to us. Guess what happened next...

SHE FRIGGIN TOOK HALF OF DA DECK OF UNO CARDS AWAY!!! I mean like, what the heck? It's not our fault she decided to stand near us to judge. She can't even recognise our voices! I bet she doesn't even know half of the class's names... ugh. My group and I complained, reasonably. The other groups were also talking, louder than us, and their cards weren't taken. But she apparently has too big an ego, and decided to ignore us. In the end, we managed to 'persuade' her to take (F)'s slime, cause she was talking loudly. She then gave us back our cards, telling us to speak softer.......


After Chicken Choy's period was over, it was our form teacher's period. Da selected students for da VIA project had to present their ideas. Sis was one of them. She didn't save the powerpoint slides into her thumbdrive, so she had to present from memory. She hardly looked at the notes she brought with her. Bro actually helped with the powerpoint slides so... BRO YOUR EFFORT WAS WASTED!!! BAMMM! lol

After that was recess... I'm not gonna go into details fr that.

After Recess, the cher who was supposed to take us next, Mr (T), brought us up using staircase 3, instead of the usual 1, the uncovered staircase. Jonathan guessed that we were going to the computer lab, but I guessed that we'd be going to learn how to play golf. And I was right!!

A letter had been given to us b4, telling the  primary sixes that we would be learning golf after PSLE so yea. Well apparently, if you hit someone on the head with the golf club's head, that person's head would have a hole...

When playing UNO with Charles, Lionel n sis, I put a +4 card. And I totally regretted it... The other 3 kept putting their + cards down, and in the end, I had to +20 cards... First thought: RIP me 

Who knew, I ended up coming up second in place! Sis was the first. The boys didn't even bother trying to battle it out. We played a couple of times, and sis and I kept beating the boys. If both girls won before both boys won, the girls would win. The boys didn't even win! HAH! And we are younger than da boys! GURLS ARE AWESOME! (Who run this mother? GIRLS!)

Whoop! I think this is long enough, words.

Btw, my sis, bro n I recently published a book in our joint account, siblings_in_sch. It's a book for us to bicker in, and the readers can decide the topic for us to bicker about. We're 12 year olds so it's gonna be funny, cause we're kids. So, yea. Plz go and see that book, n maybe decide on a topic for us to bicker about!

~Peace out~

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