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On the 3/1/18, us secondary ones had orientation for us to get to know the school better, so we don't get lost and whatever. (My secondary school is the second largest, right after Hwa Chong Institution.) All 10 classes each have 4 older student facilitators, which would be taking care of us during orientation. We call these students Facils, in short. The orientation lasted for 3 days.

(I'm only gonna talk about what my class did cause idk what other classes did)

On the first day, there was a talk by an ex-student from my secondary school. He told us about our school's history. the Facils led us on a school tour. It was sort of a "treasure hunt" where we had to hunt down clues that would lead us to the next place we were supposed to go. At some places, we had to play fun mini games which required us to have teamwork, resilience and patience. The Facils explained more to us about each place in the school, allowing us to have a better understanding of the school. Afterwards, we headed to our classroom, met our form teacher, and played games together.

That day, we learnt many cheers, including the table cheer, my personal favourite.

I'm not gonna talk about the second day cause I don't have much time. But we had a blast playing a mass game.

Yesterday was one of the BEST DAYS EVERR!!!

(I'm skipping till after recess)

The Facils brought us to the hall, where we did line dancing with all of the secondary ones. Well, sorta. I think of it more as a reason to allow the other facils to get ready. Instead of showing us what to do step by step like they did for the sun dance we had to learn previously, the 2 Facils just jumped into the dance, asking us to follow them as best as we could. Most of the classes tried following while my class... We just stood there stoning. XD. I found it a little suspicious as to why they didn't teach us the dance instead. I just shrugged it off and thought that it was because they had limited time. Well, that turned out to only be half correct.

The secondary ones were asked to gather in front of the stage, which we all did. I was right in front, with my new, awesome friends. Lets just say what happened next was totally unexpected...

All the lights in the hall was switched off, the spotlights turned on...















And 4 Facils came out, wearing headbands with little party hats on them. One of them was the Facil in charge of my class. They started dancing to songs, singing along. The entire cohort was screaming, all of us thrilled. When I recognised the songs, I would also sing along.

At one point, all the Facils from all 10 classes went on stage, dancing behind the 4 main Facils. There were so many Facils dancing, yet they were so coordinated. It was AWESOME!!! The Facils then threw us a couple of balloons, which we happily passed around. I rarely get to play with balloons, even when I was a really young kid, so I was absolutely thrilled. The Facils left the stage, leaving the original 4 Facils to continue the "concert". I could see the HUGE effort they put in to let us enjoy our orientation. Heck, I could even see the sweat glistening off the 4 Facils who were still somehow energetically bouncing around. I guess the adereline kept them going.

After a couple more songs, the balloons were "disapearing" because of us students keeping the balloons for ourselves. At this point, the 4 Facils told us to take a seat while they too, sat on the stage. Some slower songs commenced. Although the songs were in Chinese, we were all still singing along to the familiar songs. As the last few songs played, all the facils came on stage, sitting with the 4 Facils. All of them put their arms around each other's shoulders, swaying to the music. I spotted a few blinking back tears. I sorta felt like crying too.

The Facils were the ones who organised everything for us, just for us to really enjoy the first few days of school. They sacrificed more then a month's holiday, just for those 3 days, helping us to settle in, to bond with our classmates. Even though we didn't realise it, without the activities that the Facils organised, we would not have made that many friends. And now, we might not have the chance to see them again. Gone with the wind, whoosh.

The Facils put up with us, keeping a smile on their faces, encouraging us all the way. They taught us many cheers, keeping our spirits up, shouting along with us. Some of them even lost their voices! Facils, if you are reading this, thank you for your patience, sacrifice and care for us. For everything you have done for us. I loved the orientation and I will miss you guys.


~A grateful RIVER VALLEY student.




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