15/9/17 (10.30pm)

13 0 0

Ok, I finally reached home.The dinner was pretty ok, despite the fact that I didn't like majority of the food. Especially the spicy ones. So yea, I didn't eat much fr dinner.

I was glad I could see my elder SG cousin again. she's 2 years older than me n is in a dance school. She's performed in quite a few concerts.

After dinner we went into an ice cream shop for, well, ice cream.

There were 3 cars altogether.

My aunt, oldest uncle n my cousin were in the first car.

My grandparents, aunt n youngest SG uncle were in the second car. Btw, my aunt is pregnant with a baby boy. (FINALLY no more girly girls like my younger sister who likes to dress up into prissy pink princesses)

In the last car, my family.

This is the order when going home.

The second car got stuck at the barrier thingy cause the machine can't detect the card thingy. Idk what their called.

My father went to help, but in the end, a security guard came to their aids.

So yea, that basically all that happened.

@bro how was ur Taekwondo?

Peace out n gd night!

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