Stuffed Pig?

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Woo, this chapter will be a little short, but I plan to put out a chapter waaaaaay later. Woo

(Y/n) POV

I managed to make it through the torturous hour and half of pure sorrow. I mean homework. Same difference. I settled into my bed and I could feel my muscles relax. To be honest, I have fully relaxed like... ever... so I wonder what's that like. I was always tense and I t wasn't intentional. My muscles natural state is always clenched and there's no way of fixing it. At least that I know of. (The sad thing is that this is literally me. I don't think I have relaxed since like 4th grade.) 

I hugged my favorite, slightly raggedy stuffed pig. I always kept it with me and I always will. My favorite animal had always been a pig and I suppose that it was because Phil had picked out the toy when I was born. I was attached to it. I could just imagine little Phil roaming through the aisle until he came across the pinkest this he could find, seeing as I was a girl.

What? It's child Phil. What do you expect?

I remember I even asked for a teacup pig as a pet, but seeing as we couldn't even have a dog that was not even close to possible. I reached for my phone opening Ella's contact. I typed a quick message and I smiled to myself.

What's good ho?

Nothing much, what's up with you ho?

Have I ever told you I love you as my best friend?

No, but thanks! Love you too!



So I talked to Phil earlier...


Yeah he asked if you were well. ;)

Hmmm. Yes I am good.

Well, obviously. You're in love!

I don't like Phil. We have been over this.

I never said Phil...

Shut up



Thanks for noticing! XD

 When will you realize we are just friends?

*raises eyebrows* ...

Lying makes you go to hell...

Shut up


Why do I put up with you?

b/c you love me?


So we on for lunch?

Yup. So excite.

Yes. Much excite


SO I know I might regret this, but what should I wear to Phil's?


No, I actually want you to dress me.

The planet have aligned! A blue moon! Something!

I hate you



Teal skater skirt, cream knit jumper, teal bow, teal earrings, and cream flats.

How do you know I own these things?

I may or may not have gone through your closet...


Thank you!

See you tom.?




I closed my phone, placing it on my bedside table. I wrapped myself in my blanket, my head sinking into the pillow. As I began to drift off, I imagined scenarios, good and bad, of what could happen when I go to Phil's. Hopefully, one of the good ones.

My mind finally cleared and all I could focus on, was sleep.

Yay! This story is going relatively well, in my opinion.



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