Love Expert

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My updates are getting later and later. Thanks to you know who for distracting me. AHEM.


Go read Painted Smile. I like it.


(y/n)'s POV

I shut the front door, waving a last goodbye to Lola. I turned to notice Ella was gone from her spot behind me. I peered round the corner to see the empty corridor, void of any presence. I heard a soft sniffling from the room at the end of the hall.

"Ella?" I called out, waiting for a response.

"Yeah?" she asked. Her voice was shaky with tears and sobs. I hurried down the hall and into my room where she was sat on the bed.

"Oh my God what's wrong? What's up with Phil?" I asked, mentioning the earlier cab ride home. She wasn't herself.

"It's just..." she looked away from me, her eyebrows furrowed with a certain sadness I had never really seen before. Any boy troubles I dealt with before were all meaningless high school relationships that could be solved with movies and ice cream. "I've never fought with Phil." she said. I sad down gingerly next to her, wrapping my arm around her shoulders.

"What happened?" I asked.

"It's just a couple of days ago I mentioned how busy he was with YouTube and he flipped out. I just let it go and...then we were normal, or as normal as we could. Then when I greeted him with a hug before the aquarium he was all like..."get off me" sort of vibing." she said. I nodded along with her. "Yeah, and...he was distant the entire time and I mentioned it when we were near the jellyfish. I asked him if it was YouTube and he was close to blowing up at me again so I got angry, which I really regret, and stormed off. Then, we just stayed away." she said, more tears dripping down her cheeks.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Ella. I've never seen Phil like that. Even when he's stressed and snappy he opens up and talks or something a little later." I said. "Would you like me to see what's up?" I asked. It wasn't too late, but Ella needed me. "I can go tomorrow morning and we can stay here and talk or relax. Whatever you want." I said.

"Thanks. Tissue?" she asked. I handed her a tissue from the side of the bed and she blew her nose.

"Ew, ya nasty." I said. She let out a quiet laugh. "So I'm guessing relax? You seem tired and I'm sure everything is fine. Phil is...Phil." I said. She watched me as I talked. "I know he loves you, and you him, and I've known both of you my whole life. I know how these things go." I said.

"So are you like a love expert or something?" she snorted.

"In a sense, yes. Why? It's not funny." I defended.

"Yeah right." she said. I rolled my eyes and she flopped back on the opposite side of the bed. "Do you have anything to draw?" she asked.

"For work no, but I'm up for that." I said. I pulled out my drawing tablet, and began to set everything up.

"Okay first I need you to draw a really adorable squid with like a top hat and monocle." she said. I gave her an odd look as I calibrated everything.

"What?" I asked.

"We just went to an aquarium. Plus...I may or may not have named a squid they had there." she said.

"What did you name it?"

"Mauricio." she replied simply and I laughed. (subscribbletoshane thanks for the name)

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