| chapter six |

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The two transformers finally spilt the beans. They told them all that they were mated to the Assassin and to say the least, mostly everyone was furious.

"What do you mean she's your mate?!" William Lennox's blood boiled once he heard what happened. He now knew that he couldn't lock up the girl because that would be going against the mate pack the Transformers and the world made.

"She's our mate," Bumbeblee repeated, rolling his eyes. Lennox threw him a look before sighing, sitting back down on his chair.

"On the bright side, it'd be easier to catch her." A soldier, Jason, tried to cheer up his captain but his attempt backfired as Lennox glared at him.

"And do what? We can't lock her up." The blonde snapped, his boyfriend rubbing his arms to calm him down.

"Yes, but we can keep her here." Ratchet piped in; all attention turning to him. "Miss Red can stay here, under our watch while also being with Optimus and Bumblebee." Sideswipe nodded in agreement.

"I agree. I actually want to meet the girl who seems to disappear every time we try to come for her." He snickered as Lennox growled lowly, standing up to move over.

"Settle down." Optimus intervened, his hand on Bumblebee's thigh as he sat next to his mate. Sideswipe immediately sat down, following his leaders command while Lennox glared once more at the cheeky transformer before sitting down next to his boyfriend.

The Eight people in the room began to come up with another plan to capture the assassin and bring her into justice. They hoped that since she was mated to the two most righteous Autobots, there is, that the redhead would kill for good and not for evil.

"Does everyone know the plan?" Lennox asked, sitting back with a grin. Everyone nodded, his grin widening. "Then let's get to it."

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