Chapter 11

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Luke's POV

I had no idea what I was doing. I was touching her cheek. This was so hard for me. Not to do anything else to her. Like kiss her. I wanted to save that for the end of the evening. When everything had gone as I'd planned. But she was sitting there, blushing, looking all beautiful to me. She was so shy and brave at the same time. I saw a bit of myself in her. I recognized myself. Maybe that's why I had been drawn to her in the first place. That concert had been the last place I would've gone searching for someone. But here we are. I met her in a strange place, but there was nothing strange about us anymore now. I felt like I had known her for years now and it had only been days. She had a way of getting things out of me without even trying. I hadn't felt this ways since.. You know. Her. And it was nice to know one could feel like that again. Because when you break up with someone you think you'll never feel this way again. I was wrong. Of maybe I was right, because the feeling wasn't exactly the same. There was a slight difference. And that wasn't bad at all. 

I gave her another sandwich, withdrawing my thumb. With regret. She ate it like she was really hungry. Good, I had packed a lot of food. Somehow I knew she wasn't like the other girls who ate practicly nothing so they would look good. She would look good in anything. Even in a sack of potatoes. I couldn't stop looking at her. She drove me crazy by just sitting there. I was going made in here. 

"This is really good", she stated.

"Sandwiches is one thing I can make, probably the only thing", I said to her. 

"Seriously? Ashton is the one who can cook right?" 

"Yeah, he cooks like healthy stuff, it makes me sick sometimes", I laugh.

"Yeah, you guys and your fastfood!" She was laughing now, throwing her head in her neck. I loved the way she did that. It was a genuine laugh.

"I am glad you find this so amusing!" 

"Yea, I have seen a lot of you guys, I think you are all pretty funny."

"You really are a big fan huh?" 

"Yea.. Been for a long time. Being here on a date with you seems so.. unreal.." She says while being a bit shy. She was blushing again.

"We don't get to meet a lot of fans that well, but I am glad I met you", I told her softly.

"This was actually always a dream of mine.. Whenever I watched 17Again I imagined you doing these things for me. This is so surreal."

Did she mean that? Was I her dream? Did she not like one of the other boys more?

"Really?" I asked her, with hope in my voice.

"Yeah, you attracted me to the band, later I saw how incredible you were, all of you. A true fan loves all the members, but I always liked you a little bit more, I don't know why", she said, turning red again.

Wow, this confession of hers was startling me so much. I hadn't seen that coming. She liked me more than the others, had for a while now. But what did she think of me now?

"And did I live up to your expectations?" I asked her shyly.



"Wait, that's not all."

Wow was she really doing this? She was crushing my heart.

"I'm not sure I want to know the rest", I said while packing up.

"No! Luke, it's not what you think!" she yelled to stop me.

"Explain to me then."

"Well, I wanted to say.. You're even better than I expected. You are so funny and sweet. I never in a million years could have thought you were like this. I like you even more now. And believe me I  thought that wasn't  possible", she told me.

Unpredictable (Luke Hemmings) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now