Chapter 12

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* Hi everyone! Thanks you for reading this! I know there are not many of you, but I appreciate you taking your time to read this! :D I know it's been a while, but I had a lot of school work! I wanted to ask you guys if you could vote and leave comentary? So I know what I can do better. I am doing this for you guys! So let me know! (even if it's good!) Love you all! <3 * 

Luke's POV

I went back to the hotel afterwards. I couldn't believe what the hell just happened. I just kissed her, and not like a normal kiss. A kiss with passion. More passion than I'd ever put in a kiss. And it had been the best kiss ever. In my entire life. I  never tasted anything better than her mouth. And she had been liking it as much as I was. I should get my shit together. I still have to drive to the hotel. And a lot of girls will be waiting there. And they already found the escape route I used before so I might as well go in through the front door. I parked my car and saw all the girls standing outside. I really didn't feel like taking pictures, but I had to. They're my fans and they have been camping out here for hours and it wasn't too warm outside. I decided to take pictures witht them. I walked up to them and they all started screaming my name when they saw me. I just smiled.

"Hello ladies! Want some pictures?" I asked them, knowing the answer. 

A lot of girls came up to me and I just smiled for the pictures. 

"How are you Luke?" some girl with brown hair asked.

"Good, thank you! How are you? I didn't catch your name!" 

"Good thanks! Now that you're here! I'm Rebecka!" 

"Well, it's nice to meet you!" 

"Can I ask you something?" she asked me as she snapped a picture of us.

"Yes, ofcourse.." 

"Did you just come from a date with that girl everyone's been talking about on the internet?" she asked me and everyone fell silent.


"Don't worry, we don't mind. We'd love to see you happy again!" someone shouted.

"Well, I kind of did come from a date with her", I admitted.

"OOH! how was it??" everyone screamed at once.

"Well.. I like her I think.. Please don't film this you guys.. But I really think this could work!" 

"OMG! Really? OH luke that's amazing!" some of them shouted.

"Thanks guys.. I'll keep you updated if anything else happens. If she even wants to be my girlfriend some day."

"If she doesn't she's stupid to let you go!" Our fans were the absolute best! 

"I have to go now! I'll see you soon! Wait, let's get a picture all together!" I shouted. I stood on a bench and put my phone as high as I could. Everyone was in the picture so I snapped it. 

"That's going on Twitter and Instagram! Thanks for being so amazing!" I shouted before going inside. I waved one last time and they all smiled back. 

I was relieved to talk to some people who really cared for me. These fans were no normal fans. They were like friends, or even family. I guess that's why they call themselves the 5SOSFAM. They would come to us even through rain or even storms. Just to see us for a few seconds. They were so dedicated to us. I loved them so much. Without them there wouldn't even be an us to begin with. And I probably wouldn't have met Christina. Everything just led straight back to her. I felt like a lovesick puppy. 

When I got to my room I dropped myself on my bed. This had been a crazy day. Meeting her parents, taking her out on a date, kissing her, talking to our fans about it and them being okay with it all. I swear, the weirdest day ever. But in a good way. None of it was bad. I was glad it all happened. I just lied there, staring at the ceiling. I had to clear my mind for once and get a good night sleep. I hadn't slept good in so long. And we had a concert coming up. I knew she had school tomorrow. She told me so. And today had been a day off. We had a concert on Wednesday. It was pretty awesome. It was all sold out. But that meant not seeing her. Maybe she could come? But she had school the day after so I wasn't sure if she could come. And if her parents would let her. They were pretty uptight. Her dad had been so protective. I hated it. He looked at me like I was going to rape her and I would never do such a thing. If anything was going down, it was because she wanted it to. 

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