Chapter 33

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Luke's POV

"What do you mean?" I ask them. 

They said they were with Chris. Why would they be there? Okay, I broke up with her, but it was for the best. Didn't she tell them? Or didn't she get the message? 

"What do you think we mean, asshole.." I heard Michael say again.

Man, what was his deal. Normally he was like my best friend, but now he was just being a jerk for no reason. 

"Don't go telling us you didn't broke up with her and then leave her like that.." 

"I did, broke up with her that is. But is she really in that bad a shape?" I asked, a little worried. 

"Man, you don't even know," I hear Cal say before I hear a cry in the background.

"Was that her?" I asked, getting more worried by the second.

"You don't have the right to ask that." Then Mikey slammed down the phone on me. 

Did I just hear her cry out like that? It was the most horrific sound in the world and it had broken my heart even more. Did I make the right choice? Should I have tried some more instead of giving up like that?

After that I got a text from Calum saying they didn't know when they would be home again.. 

When I had gotten home I thought they would be in the studio or something, but the crew told me they weren't. I thought that was odd, because they knew I was coming home. And then I call them and get this shit. Why would they go to her? She seemed hurt when I left her, but holding it together. I had a broken heart too, but I managed to make it back home and keep strong. I needed to get to the bottom of this. 


Christina's POV

When I woke up, Mikey was gone. I didn't know where he was and it scared me. I felt alone again, like when he left me standing there. And I cried out again. Somehow the tears had found their way to my eyes again. They were streaming down my face now. Then Mikey came running in the room and took me into his arms again. It felt so comforting. Knowing he was here made it a little better/.

"I just.. I'm sorry.. I thought I was alone again.. Just like when he.." I couldn't even finish it. 

"I know, I'm sorry. I'm here now and I'm not going anywhere at the moment", he told me and he hugged me a little tighter. 

"I just.." he stopped me mid-sentence. 

"Don't say anything, shhh, talk when you're ready. As I said, we're not going anywhere.." and as if on cue Ashton and Calum walked into the room. 

They both smiled at me, but it were sad smiles. I knew why. What they had witnessed was bad. I had never ever acted like that. And it was all so new to me too. I had been in love, but I never actually loved anyone. It never came to that. But with Luke it was there on the first day. They say you know what it feels like when it's there. And now I knew. And it was heartbreaking to know it would never ever be the same again. 

They sat down on the other side of the bed and they circled me. 

"We're here for you Chris.. Do you want me to call Sarah?" Calum asked me. 

"Yeah, maybe later.." I told him with a little smile. 

"Rachel is already on her way.." Ashton told me. And I did the same with him, I give him the littlest of smiles. 

They both smiled back, a little happier now. 

"Now we need to get some food into you," Mikey said. 

Unpredictable (Luke Hemmings) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now