Chapter 30

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Christina's POV

This week had been even more crazy than the last one. Rehearsals were a pain in the ass. I knew all the dances from the back of my head. I could do them backwards. I was getting sick of the nerves I felt  for the show. Conor Maynard was going to be there and I wanted to be good. But I needed to do this for myself too. Life had gotten a bit easier now Luke was being cool again. We talked every day and it was amazing to Skype with him. Seeing his face made my whole day. Who am I kidding? It made my year! It would make anyone's year. Luke made me smile so much. I was happy again. That was the most important thing. And I was getting ready to graduate. The year went by so fast. I was happy to go somewhere else. Probably L.A.. I was looking forward to going there. It was an amazing city and I was ready for a big change. I needed it. New York was the best, but I needed a change of view (and constant good weather). 

The concert was in a few days. Luke was still promising he was coming. That was amazing on its own. The other boys couldn't come, but they would facetime with Luke so they could see it anyways. And I heard local TV was going to be taping it too. For their internet section. It was all so much at once. And dancing for Luke made me even more nervous. 

"Stella! Wanna go for a walkie?" I asked my little girl. 

She just shook her tail and looked at me with big eyes. She reacted to the word immediatly. She was so happy to get out of the apartment. She was used to being inside but going out made her a little crazy. She sprinted over to the table I put her leash yesterday. She hopped on and just took it in her mouth. She was ran back to me as fast as she could with her short legs. I smiled widely. She was so adorable. I couldn't live without her anymore.  

"I guess you're really into it huh?" I told her. 

I was going a little crazy. I was even talking to my dog. But for some reason I knew she got me best. She was the light of my life right now. I put on her leash and went for the door. There was a knock before I could open it. I opened the door and Jaimy pushed passed me. 

"You'll never believe what I have to tell you!" he screamed out.

How did he even know where I lived? This was madness. 

"Like how you found out where I live?" I asked him, arms crossed.

"Sorry, Rach gave me your adress. I just needed to talk to you!" he said, his eyes begging me to listen.

"Spill it.."


"I know.." I told him. 

"How do you know?" he asked me, his jaw dropping several inches. 

"He talked to me on the day of the little flashmob we did. He liked the way we danced."

"And you didn't bother to tell us???" He was sounding a little annoyed.

"Nah, we dance way better without knowing some celebrity is coming to see us anyway."

"Seriously? Come on! It's Conor Maynard we're talking about!" 

"Don't you dare tell the others! They will be so nervous on the day and will do stuff wrong. I know them. They are amazing dancers, but they still have to learn how to deal with stress like this.." 

"I won't tell them.. So we're the only ones who know?" 

"Yeah, and I really want to keep it that way.."

"Okay.. So why is he coming?" he asked, a little curious..

"I have no clue.." 

I wasn't going to tell him that Conor wanted us to come on tour with him if we were any good. It would freak him out. It freaked me out, to be honest. I didn't want to add more stress to this all. This was all he needed to know.

Unpredictable (Luke Hemmings) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now