Chapter 31

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Luke's POV
The guys couldn't believe how good she was and neither could I. The way she was swaying around the stage and leading this whole thing was so amazing. I had never ever seen her dance like this before. She stole my heart over and over again. With every move she made I was enchanted. The only thing I didn't like was that Jaimy dude who was all over her. Okay, he was her dance partner. But still he seemed a little too eager to touch her. And he hadn't seem too happy when I had showed up. But still. After seeing all of this I knew why they were having this show. She needed to express her talent. Just like we had to as a band. We loved performing almost as much as she loved dancing. I could never take this from her.

Christina's POV

Dancing like this made me so happy. I wasn't even nervous anymore. I was just dancing because it was a passion. I caught some glances around the room and it was packed. This meant that we had done really good with those flash mobs. I was very pleased with it. Luke was out there somewhere. And so was Conor. He was watching us to see it we were good enough for his tour. I really hoped we were. This was everything I had ever wanted in my life, besides Luke and 5SOS. This was one of my biggest dreams. I needed this.
Dancing was my outlet. At this moment I was really happy that Luke was here and I just knew everyone could tell. I just hoped he was enjoying this too. He had come all the way from L.A. to see me.. Man I got nervous again, thinking about him. But it was the best surprise ever. I loved him for that. Even after all the trouble we went through, he was still here by my side. It made me see we were meant to be. And he looked so hot.
I went backstage. I had a little break. But in a few me and Jaimy had to go in again to dance our solo. To 'Say Something'. It was a sad song and we were going to do something different. We had been practising for weeks to nail this. It had so much emotion in it. Both the song and the dance. I just hoped we could bring the emotion out and let people see what it was like. I had choreographed it all myself. And our teacher was very pleased with it. She had said: "You had me in tears.." That was one of the biggest complements you could ever get from her.

"Are you ready for this?" Jaimy asked me. 

"I hope I am.." 

"I know this will all turn out right, you're amazing at what you do. And we dance so well together. This is meant to work", he said while winking at me. 

He put me at ease. I was completely ready for this. And when they called our names I went on stage with a big smile. The room was pitch black. We positioned ourselves on each side of the stage. And when the music started the spotlight was on us both. We walked towards each other. And then I was in his arms. This was a modern dance. And he picked me up. He turned me around and put me back down. I swayed my arms and totally lost myself in the music. My face probably looked the same. I felt all the emotions of the song in my bones. As we danced, the room vanished. I was one with the song. I didn't even realize how many people were watching. The only thing that mattered was getting lost in the music. Just doing what I loved most. And knowing I was good at it. I never was good at anything in school. This just made me happy. 

When the song ended we just stood there. Everyone was applauding. They were standing straight and just cheering us on. Jaimy turned and hugged me really tight. The show was over. And we nailed it. 


Luke's POV

She was dancing to 'Say Something'. And she was amazing. The way she swirled around the room and was just beautiful. It was a modern kind of dance. Everything was just plain. The decor was black and there were 2 spotlights. One on her and one on Jaimy. He picked her up and turned her around. I tried not to look at that and just concentrated on her face. She was feeling the song. It was like she would burst in to tears at every moment. I felt her pain. I didn't want to read into the song, but I did. I had ignored Chris for a while. I didn't know what to do with it all. Being away from her was so painful, but life was going on. She was always waiting for me to call or text and I didn't want to be depending on someone, or have someone depending on me. I would just disappoint them. I always did. I hated the way I had to report back everything I did. I wasn't very good at relationships. But I knew how it felt to lose her. She was slipping away from me and that was the moment I knew I had to keep her. She was the best thing that had ever happened to me (besides this band). I loved this girl. And when you loved someone you should fight for it. 

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