Chapter 27

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Luke's POV

"We need to talk", was all her text said. It was already late. 

I had no idea of what the hell was going on. Didn't we already talk today? And it was night time.. I needed to sleep because we had a big day tomorrow. What was her problem? 

"Like now?" I texted back.

"Yeah, call me?" 

And so I did. She didn't pick up at first. What really set me of. I was already agitated. But her not picking up after waking me up was a bit too much. And then after the 2nd time she finally picked up.

"Sup?" I asked her, letting her know I was a bit mad.

"Did you do something special yesterday evening?" she asked me. I could hear she was holding something back.

"No, why?" I said. 

"Are you sure?" Jeez, what was her problem tonight?

"Yeah, care to explain to me why you are asking stupid questions?"

"Yea, I'll explain, as soon as you explain that picture I just send you, with the matching article."

I opened my texts and read the article. When I looked at the picture I knew what was going on. It was me and some girl we met yesterday evening. We were just out in a bar drinking. And she had invited herself to come sit with us. It was a weird evening. I didn't remember all that much. But seeing this picture I knew why she was asking all of this. And the title of the article didn't really help me much either. Of course she thought I was having some fling around here. I couldn't blame her. But I thought she trusted me.   

"It's nothing. She just invited herself to come sit with us while we were drinking something in a bar", I told her with my sweetest voice.

"And why is your arm around her shoulder?"

"Well, I got a little drunk and needed to lean on someone. And since the other guys were pretty drunk too they couldn't help me."

"You call that an explanation?"

"Yes, nothing happened. Why? Don't you trust me?" 

"It seems like you don't trust me. You didn't even care to tell me this.. So I have to find out through TWITTER?" oh no, she was raising her voice to me.

"Baby, come one. It was nothing even worth mentioning."

"BUT IT WAS!! As your girlfriend I have a right to know when you're out with another girl. So I don't feel like a stupid naive girl when I see this shit on the internet!" She was really mad.

"I'm sorry okay?" I tried to plead.

"It's going to take a lot more than I'm sorry."  She said and she cut off the connection.

What the hell? Did she just disconnect me? Okay, it hadn't been my smartest move ever, but still, she was being irrational. And she needed to know that. I heard a phone go off in the other room. It was Ashton's. I could hear the tone of his phone. He was in a deep conversation with someone. Then he stomped over to mine and Calum's room. 

"Luke, open this door, now", he told me.

I got up, put on some pants and opened the door. There was Ashton. He was looking a bit mad. I couldn't even imagine why he was looking at me like that.

"What the hell did you do?" he asked me while he pushed past me to enter the room. 

"What do you mean?" I asked him with a confused expression. 

This was a very strange night. I had no idea why everyone was acting so weird. Was I the only normal person around here? And on top of it all the commotion woke Cal up. Now he was sitting up straight on his bed. Looking at me and Ashton.

Unpredictable (Luke Hemmings) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now