Chapter 15

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Christina's POV

My parents were acting really weird. We didn't talk much in this family so I knew there was something off. What the hell did they want to talk about? I was wondering.. I didn't know anything that could be wrong. Except for me going out with Luke and him just being here. But then they would've started screaming already and grounded me. They usually really didn't talk but just screamed. I hated this.

"What's going on?" I asked them nervously.

"This is very important", Dad told me. 

"I know, otherwise we wouldn't be talking.." I rolled my eyes.

"Don't act like that, you should know better than to act like a know it all", Mom told me.

"Okay.." What was happening here?

"So we have some news for you." They told me.

"If it's about Luke, he was just here to ask me something, I swear! He wasn't even in here for that long.."

"It's not about Luke.." Dad was clearly getting frustrated with me.

"No, you have to know we love you okay?" Mom asked me.

"Of course I do, Mom. What is this all about?"

"Well, when you were little.." she almost started crying while saying this.

"What your Mom is trying to say is that you weren't always with us here.." Dad told me.

Wait, what? What was happening here? 

"What are you saying?" 

"We took you in when you were about 2 years old and adopted you later on", Mom cried. She was really having a difficult time telling me this.

"We always wanted another child after your brother. But we just couldn't make it happen. So when you came along it was perfect", Dad said stern.

"I am adopted? Really?" I asked them, with an open mouth. 

What was this? These weren't my real parents? Where were they? Why did they give me up? I had so many questions..

"Yes, but honey, we really love you", Mom cried again.

"And the reason we are telling you this is because you 'real parents' are here in New York and want to meet you. Apparently they have been looking for you for a long time", Dad told me while his voice was cracking. 

"They.. want to mmmeet me?" I said, my voice shaking.

"Yes, we wanted to tell you because you deserve to meet them."

I didn't know what to say. I had so many questions but none came out. This was so weird. The family I thought I had wasn't really my family. I had been living a lie for all these years. Was this really who I was? Wait, who was I really? I had no idea anymore. I was angry and confused. I had to get out of here. I got up and grabbed my coat. I walked over to the door.

"What do you think you're doing?" Dad, the man I called that, asked me.

"I need to get out of here.." I told them and got out. 

I had no idea of where I was going but I had to get out of that house. It was full of memories with a family that wasn't really mine. I had to walk this off and think it trough. I walked and walked. I got to a subway station and got in. It was going to the center of the city. I decided to walk around there and get my mind off it. I needed the distraction the center could give me. The subway was full of people. A sweaty guy was sitting next to me and was looking at me. I ignored him and took my phone out. My parents, or whatever they were, had tried calling me for 30 times. I had been gone for two hours now. I knew they were concerned, but I honestly didn't care. I couldn't even care less. I saw a few texts from Luke, but I decided not to answer them. I didn't need him to know about this. This was my business. I had to deal with it and not drag him in with me. He deserved better than this. I got out and walked to Times Square. There were a lot of people there. It was getting dark and that made the city even more beautiful. I loved living in New York. Nothing could change that. But where was my home now? Not with those people, that was for sure. I hated this. I sat down on a bench and put my head in my hands. I started sobbing and nobody even noticed. 

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