Chapter 19

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Luke's POV

She had been in there for the longest time. What was she doing in there? I couldn't stand her not being here with me. When I had woken up and she wasn't beside me I went insane. I instantly thought she had gone back home. I don't know why she would ever do that. But it was the most logical explanation. When I thought it over I saw it couldn't be that one. She was supposed to stay here. So I went to look for her in the lounge room. I heard her laughter before I even saw her. She was obviously having fun. It was amazing to hear her laugh, but it sucked it wasn't me making her laugh like that. I should be the one doing that to her. At that moment I decided to storm in. When I saw her she was totally relaxed. Christina and Calum were playing COD and Cal was pouting. Because he was losing. Was she really that good in every game she played? Knowing the band Ashton was the only one who could take loss like a good sportsman. 

When she finally stepped back out her hair was wet and she wasn't wearing any make up. That was new. She looked so beautiful without make up. I had no idea why she wore it anyways. It was already getting late and dark outside. 

"I have to go back home to get more of my things.. I have dance class tomorrow and I can't afford to skip it. We have a concert in like 3 weeks!" she told me.

"You do? Why didn't you tell me?" I asked her, slightly hurt.

"I didn't know if you'd still be here." 

"Even if I wasn't I would come back for you, you know that", I reassured her. 

"Yeah, I know. You want to buy tickets?"

"Of course! And the boys would love to come too!" 

"So will you come with me? Home I mean? If that's even true anymore.." she sighed. 

I felt her pain. She was hurt. Her parents had lied to her for such a long time and now they came barging in with this information and telling her her real parents wanted to see her. It was so ridiculous. I hated it. I hated what they did to her. That evening was forever trapped into my mind. I would never forget her tears and the way her eyes told me how much she was hurting. I could still see the remnants of that pain when she looked at me. She was not over it, by a long shot.

"Of course I will babe. Want to go now?" I asked her politely. 

"Uhu.." And on that note we left.

The fans had gone home now. It was dark and I doubted their parents would let them stay out all night. Some fans were sticking around, but not bothering me and Christina. They knew we probably wanted a little bit of privacy. I took Chris to the car and we left for her place. She was quiet the whole way. I knew she was reluctant to go back there, but she had to face them sometime. Better now than in a few weeks. So she could face this problem head on. And I could be there for her. Because in a few weeks of time I would probably be in L.A., doing some recording. I couldn't stand thinking about being away from her. But it had to be done. And she was almost done with school so. Maybe she could come to us when school was done. I would love that. But I couldn't expect her to give up everything for me. She had a life too, besides me. 

We arrived and the lights were on in the house. She looked like she was being brought to the slaughter house to get killed. She probably wanted to be anywhere but here. I knew her well enough to know that. I wish I could just take her away from this place. But I know that was impossible. She knocked on the front door.


Christina's POV

I knocked on the door. I hated being here. It brought back the pain from that night I desperatly wanted to forget. It didn't take long for the door to be opened. 

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