Chapter 17

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Love you guys so much! Oh and if you have song suggestions just tell me! :)


Christina's POV

As soon as I got out of ya car I noticed everyone was staring. What the hell was going on? Did they all just stare at us as we were in the car? Sometimes I forgot that Luke Hemmings was the guy I was kissing. No scratch that. How could I ever forget I was kissing Luke Hemmings? But he was such a normal boy to me. And he was so sweet. Sarah was standing on the steps, waiting for me, as usual. I could see a grin creeping on her face. I knew she was going to call me out on kissing Luke in front o everyone. And why he drove me to school. I could practically hear her thinking those questions. She was so predictable.

"Sooo, tell me. Why were you getting out of Lukes car?" she asked, just as I had predicted.

"I stayed over at his apartment last night. I had a falling out with my parents", I told her.

I was so not ready to tell her I was adopted. And this was not the time and place to tell her. Maybe later on.

"Ooh! I am so excited! Did you guys do anything?"

"No, he was a complete gentleman!"

We laughed a bit before heading to class She didn't ask me about my falling out because she knew I would tell her in my own time. When I was ready. She went to her own class as I went to mine. We had some classes together, but most of them were seperate. I didn't like that sometimes. But today I was glad. I wouldn't have to talk. I walked in and went over to my usual seat. Next to me was Jade. She was a really pretty girl and the weird thing was that she was really nice too. I liked sitting next to her. She always made everyone feel so good. Today was no different.

"Hey Christina!" she said enthousiasticly. 

"Hi Jade", I gave her a little smile. 

"So everyone has been talking about you and Luke.." 

"Ow, yeah, I know."

"I just wanted to tell you I think you two make a great couple. And  no one has any right to judge you two", she told me firmly.

I was shocked by her support. I never had anyone, except Sarah, tell me that they thought me and Luke were great together. The fans weren't like that. And truthfully, I had been trying not to go on Twitter. I didn't want to see all the negative reactions I got for being in love with Luke. I just wanted tp be myself.

"Aww, thanks! I really appreciate it. No one ever tells me that."

"The truth has to be spoken!" she laughs. 

Everytime she laughs I get a warm feeling. She really is a good person. One of the few at my school. She made my day okay. I knew I could go on. I had nothing to be afraid of.

"Do you want to grab lunch with me and Sarah?" I asked her.

"Yea! Wow, I've wanted to for so long! I was waiting until you were going to ask me!" she said enthousiasticly. "Wow, now I seem like a dork."

"Nah! I like your enthousiasm!" 

We talked a bit before the teacher came in and started his class. I hated math so early. But it meant no more math to ruin my day any further. I was debating all day wether or not to go home to Luke. Because I couldn't really go home home.. They would be there and I wasn't ready to bump in to them yet. Luke understood that.

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