Chapter 26

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Luke's POV

"Man! This is so cool!" I heard Michael shout from the other room.

I was just sitting in my room because I was a bit sad. I missed Christina a lot. But I had to get out of this funk. I had been a week since I had been gone and everything here was so cool. We did a lot of recording and a lot of shows. We were even planning a tour. That made me so happy. I had something to focus on. In the week that had gone by me and Chris had talked a lot. We had skyped and called every night. I was a lot earlier here so she had to do it at night. But we were always happy to see each other. It was different from touching each other and knowing she was with me, but it made up for all of that, even if it was just a little bit. I facetimed her too at spontaneous moments. She loved when I did that. 

"What is?" I shouted back.

"You NEED to see this!" is the only reply I got.

I walked into the rehearsal room. Michael was standing there with a new guitar. And it was a beauty. He was in love with it. I could tell. I am the same whenever I get something new to play with. 

"You want to touch it?" he asked me with a suggestive look.

"Man, it's yours. Plus, you're naked. That's just yuk. I can't touch that guitar now that it has touched you balls", I told him with a disgusted look.

We all liked to rehearse naked when we were alone. But playing together naked was one thing. Touching a guitar or drum kit that's still hanging in front of your balls was something else. But Mikey didn't seem to understand that. 

"Aww! Lukey's upset now?" he screamed.

"IS MY LUKEY UPSET????" I heard Calum scream from the living room. 

I heard him running towards us and when he came round the corner he seemed exhausted from that little bit of running. 

"Do you need a hug?" he asked me.

"I'm fine Calum. Seriously. Michael was being a dick", I told him with a smile.

"You'll see her soon." Was all he said while he left the room. 

They all knew how much I was hurting. To be this far away from a girl was devastating. But they understood and she did too. I needed to be here for my career and to do something I really loved. And that was playing music and making people happy. Even if that meant me being a little less happy. But this was all going to end soon. She would be by my side. That was all I could ever hope for. 


Christina's POV

It had been a week since Luke left. We had skyped a lot and talked a lot. That was good. But we were both very busy at the moment. I was organizing the dance things we had to do. And it was taking up a lot of time. And we had finals. So I would be done with school in like a week or so. That left me a lot of time to rehearse my routine. This was going to be awesome. This week we had to start with dancing out in the streets. I was pumped. And to be honest it took my thoughts of Luke away for a bit. Every time I got home I'd start crying over him. But that was reserved for nights only. During the day I was busy enough to forget a little. And that was good. Because I didn't want to feel my heart breaking all the time. It was bad enough it had to happen every night. Skyping with Luke had only made things worse because I had to say goodbye to him every single night. And I didn't want to. Neither did he. But it was better than not seeing him at all. That was worse. But I had to focus on the things that were happening right now. And forget about things I couldn't have. And about things like: 'How many girls are throwing themselves at Luke's feet at the moment?' and 'Is he responding to them?' Those killed me everytime. 

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