Chapter 39

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Christina's POV

Yeah, I needed to go out with Will again. 

"Hi!" I heard someone say on the other side of the line. 

"Hi, Will!" I said to him. 

"Well, aren't you all jolly", he said, sarcastically. 

"Sorry, had a long day.. Did I tell you I was actually hung over today?" 

"No! And you still looked amazing.. You should see me whit a hang over, you'll never want to see me, ever, again. I'm serious.." 

"Will, come on. You always look good man!" 

"You wish, if you only knew what time it took to look that way. I'm worse than any girl!" he laughed. 

I thought back to another guy who took really long to do his hair. But I shouldn't be doing that. I was torturing myself. 

"Haha! So wanna meet up again tomorrow?" I asked him. I heard him laugh on the other side of the line. 

"Yeah! I could teach you how to surf? If you're in LA you should be able to surf!" I laughed.

I was so uncoördinated. I would fall on my face so many times.

"Okay!" I was going to embarrass myself. But hey, he was going to get to know the real me. 

We said goodnight and I fell asleep right away. 

"I couldn't be happier than I am right now.." I hear him say. 

I turn around and take in the beautiful sight he is. His blonde hair is wet and hanging in his face. His blue eyes have that naughty look they always have when he looks at me. I love the way they do that. He can make me feel so amazing. So wanted. He walks toward me, closing the distance. He puts his arms around me and pulls me in for a hug. 

"I mean what I say. I am so happy to have you", he says in my ear. 

Shivers go down my spine. I feel his touch. And it awakens my body. I look up and find him staring at me. I know the desire that lies in those eyes. The desire to be together. So he kisses me. Like he has never kissed me, ever. His lip ring so cold, his arms so tight and his tongue asking for permission. The kiss grows deeper and more passionate. I love the way he does this. I feel like the only girl on this planet. Like no one else exists but us. Like we are Adam and Eve and this is our Garden of Eden. I break away and look up again. But he has changed. It's not Luke anymore. It's a brown haired boy with green eyes. 

"Up for that surfing lesson?" he asks me. 

I woke up violently. Screaming and kicking off the blankets. It was too hot in here. I went to the window and put it wide open. I needed air. Air, yes, that was good. Breathe in, breathe out. I tried so hard not to pass out. What the hell of a dream had that been? Why did it have to be like that? Why did Luke have to be in it? And almost an exact copy of the scene that had happened earlier. I hated it. And then there was Will. He was in Lukes place. Man, dreams were confusing. 

I looked at the clock and it said it was 5 am. That was way too early. But I had fallen asleep early too. I never was someone to sleep in. Not since the whole touring thing. I was always up and about at 7. People hated me for that. I looked at my phone and saw I had a few messages from Michael. They were from like 12pm.  I was not going to answer him right now. He always hated it when people woke him up. He would be a grumpy cat for the rest of the day. I didn't need that. And I was getting lessons from a pro today. Lessons in surfing. Really, what had I been thinking? 

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