Chapter 34

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Christina's POV

Somewhere in August

It had been a few months since the whole Luke thing. I had picked myself of the ground and moved on. It took me some time. And I got a lot of help from the boys and my friends. But I told them I needed to do this on my own. In the end I got why Luke had done what he had done. And I told the boys so too. They shouldn't be mad at him for doing the thing that was right. I'm not saying I would've done the same thing, but in the end it would've come to the same thing. We would've broken up in a way more vicious way than we already did. I knew it for sure. Some people weren't meant to be together. 

"Are you ready?" Rachel screamed. 

"YES!" I shouted back. 

We were sharing a room. We were on tour with Conor Maynard. For the past few months. Right after the break-up we started touring and it helped me a lot. I had something to do aside from thinking of Luke. And slowly it was all washing away. I still felt the dull ache of heartbreak at the back of my heart, but it was not as strong as it was back then. 

Tonight we had the night of and Conor was taking us to some super exclusive club. I needed to let go. So I put on my best clothes and planned on getting really drunk. And it was amazing, because we could just dance the night away. What we did best. 

"Come on! Conor's not going to wait forever!" she shouted. Things were going really well between her and Ashton. They were a good couple and they could handle the whole long-distance thing. 

We ran out of the door. Down the stairs. The others were already there waiting for us. Jaimy was here too. But he hadn't made a move on me since the break-up. Mikey had a good talk with him and he was fine now. He was actually dating a girl from the other dancers. And I was really happy for him. There had been no guys after Luke. I couldn't be bothered. They were nothing like him and I really still loved him, deep inside. I wasn't ready for that whole new relationship thing. Maybe I could just casually date someone some day.. 

Rachel took my hand and we all got into a hummer-limousine. It was huge. Conor was in the middle and smiling. He was really a nice guy. Nicer than I had ever thought. And he treated us really well. He took us to these clubs and got us food and stuff. Not all singers did that. I even got to sing with him at night. He liked my sound. But I wasn't ready to let the world know, yet. Maybe in the future. That would be awesome. 

"So, Chris, first time you're coming with us! Gonna go all the way?" Conor asked me.

"Yeah! I'm really excited!" I said back. 

And I was. For the first time in months I had experienced that emotion. It had been a long time. But I was recovering. In a week we would be in L.A.. At the same time as the boys. I was hoping that we wouldn't see them there. And with them I meant: Luke. That would just shatter everything I had built again. I couldn't face him, not just yet. 

When we arrived at the club the bouncer just let us go straight through. And I heard some people shouting Conor's name. He waved at them and put an arm around my shoulders. He led me inside and then he went searching for the bar. He was so causal. We walked to the VIP-section. I couldn't sit down, so I went for the dancefloor. Some people followed me. I saw Jaimy dancing with his girl and Rachel was coming over to me. Conor was still in the VIP-section. Just looking around and smiling at everyone. He seemed happy too. He, too, had had a bad break-up a few months ago. So he understood what I was going through. 

His eyes caught mine and he smiled at me. He gestured he was coming over. He was a good dancer too. I wanted to see his moves around here. When he got to me he just put his arm around me again and we started dancing. I was just letting it all go. We joked around and he got me drinks. They were nice and I was getting intoxicated. He was too. It was a really funny sight. He was a funny drunk. I had never really gotten drunk. So this was like, my first time. And he couldn't stop laughing. He couldn't believe it. 

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