Day 5 Thursday

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I woke up by Olivias screaming, LIKE WHY IS SHE SCREAMING? I got up from my bed and looked what happened to Olivia.

"Why was your screaming??" I asked Olivia.

"They scared me!" Olivia said and pointed at the boys that was sitting on the sofa and now was smiling at me.

"Good morning~" Said the boys.

"OH, eem good morning" Said I, I'm kind of shy...

"Go and take on you some clothes and wash you of course because we are going somewere with my hoes" Said Olivia and the boys was looking at her, but of course would Olivia doesn't care. To be honest, she can really be akward some times...

"Hoes? I was thinking you would go out with us..." Said one of the boys. AWW he is so cute I love him so much!

"DUH! I call you hoes, Jungkook" She said and crossed her arms.

"Okey... so you are the weird one" Jungkook said and I couldn't hold my laugh... so I just began to laugh.

"Yup" She said and smiled. She is really weird but I love her for that. I can say she is like Hobi, She makes everyone smile.

"Okey..." Jungkook said and smiled at her? I kind got jealous because he smiles too her and look at her... but I understand because who would be with me?

"Stop it! You are the weird one here or should I say the boring one because you say okey too many times, pfft and I thinked that Yoongi was the boring one." Olivia said and then looked at Yoongis direction. He looked back at her and there it come, she blushed. Aww she is so cute when she is blushing.

"I'm not boring! (Olivia blushed because Yoongi looked at her) Aww you are cute~" Yoongi said and now I did know that she need help before she gets more cute ;)

"Ollie can you help me to choose what I should wear?" She nodded and took my hand then ran to my room.

"Aww you are cute when you blush~" I said and she looked at my clothes.

"Aww will you die?" She said and I stopped. She don't like to be called cute. Don't ask me why because I don't know but like everyone knows, she is weird.

"Okey I have it! Where this" She said and handed me some clothes. I took them on and Olivia just clapped.

(the first picture is how Sarah and Olivia was wearning :))

"You look beautiful~ I think Jungkook will fall for you! Because I do~" Olivia said.

"What the heck Olivia!?" I said and looked at her.

"Hhahhahahaha Just kidding, you are my sis so I won't fall for you and I like d*cks" She said and laughed. I laughed too.

"Olivia!! Stop saing that" I said and hit her playfully.

"What should I say then?" She said and smiled.

"I don't know maybe that YOU LIKE BOYS?!" I said and we both laughed. After laughing too much we got out off my room.

"We are ready my hoes!" Said Olivia wile hopping. They just laugh at her.

"Wait where is Joonie, Hobi and Chim?" I said because they wasn't here.

"They was need to do something, I think they gonna see the stage we are preforming on" Yoongi said and I nodded.

"EY I call them that!!! You can't take it from me!" Olivia said and gived me a dead glare.

"Pfft I think many ARMYs call them that so it's not just you Ollie" I said like the smart ass in here. Pfft I'm not the smart one to be honest.

"SHit I don't care! Why Jonnie, Chim and Hobi? They are better then them... I will miss them... " Olivia said and made a sad face.

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