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Walking out of the room, the tears began to flow from my eyes. Knights mother thought it was best if I leave. I almost yelled but I had remembered she had almost lost a son. She said she had wanted me to read the pages when I was alone. I didn't know what that meant, it just made me cling tighter to the envelope. Going down in the elevator I tried to straighten myself out before facing the public. At least it was a hospital, my tears would blend in with everyone else's.

The doors opened and I saw the cops who had given me a ride waiting patiently. "Clara?" A voice hollered. Turing to see her my chest dropped further, Cory Summers she was Knights ex girlfriend. "They let you go up?" She asked. I nodded a bit to stunned by her presence. She engulfed me in a hug, "Im so sorry," She whispered. Looking at me with sincerity she began to speak. "I knew Knight was troubled, I knew that he was sad," She spilled. "But not always, he had such a good balance I thought he'd be fine," She said. "You know, the way he felt about you. It kept him a float," She said. "The way he what?" I asked. Her eyes widened, "Please tell me you knew," She said. I shook my head.

"Just read the envelope, it'll explain everything," She said.


Staring at the sprawled out papers I had finally got them in order. But I had found myself struggling to pick the first one up.

I looked at my open window. It faced Knights window. I didn't know what I was looking for, he wasn't there. Knight and I had a heavy history with these windows. My fear is if it existed in these pages.

Letter one
Side A

Dark blue sundress caught his eye. A girl, walking in his front door accompanied by her parents, the guests of honer. It was a neighborhood welcoming party to the new family next door. His parents were always known for their hospitality, they were the it family of the community. A picture perfect display for the rest to follow.

He looked at her, his heart pounded at the sight of her raw beauty and wild hair. They had never met but this wasn't the first time he'd seen her. No, the first time was two nights ago when he listened to her sob through his window. He watched her climb into her bed and cry her heart out. It broke his heart and also mended it in a way, it gave some kind of twisted comfort to know he wasn't alone in the sadness he carried. He felt that he could relate to her and that touched him in a way he never felt before.

Now here she stood, looking around, holding a pair of the saddest eyes he'd ever seen. Well other then his own. There eyes met and he smiled welcoming her, fuck she was pretty. Dark skin and big brown eyes, he was mesmerized. She began to walk in his direction and his heart pounded, "Hi," She said. Her voice was so soft it ripped through his body. "H-Hi," He said. "Im Clara," She introduced. "Knight," He said. She giggled, "Knight? Thats a cool name," She said. "Your like my Knight in shining armor," She said. I can be, he thought.

She thought his name was cool, and just like that that he began to like her more. As if it were possible. His cheeks lit up in flames as they stared at each other silently. "Knight!" He heard. It was the other neighborhood kids, the ones who went to his school. They were a mean bunch, kids who ruined other kids. They all looked to Knight as there leader because of his family's social status. They were the popular kids and couldn't understand why Knight was talking to someone they didn't know. Especially someone who looked so different. Knight despised them, he had made it clear to his mother he wanted nothing to do with them. But she had a status to keep too, and if that meant forcing her son so be around those he couldn't stand so be it.

Turing back around giving attention to the beautiful girl in front of him he finally spoke. "Your hair, it's beautiful," He said. "Thank you," She said smiling. "Knight!" A screechy voice interrupted. "Come hang out with us," it whined. Looking over his shoulder catching his mothers warning eye he rolled his eyes. "Are you gonna go to Eastpoint?" He asked. "Yeah," She answered. "Ill see you there," He promised leaving her.

The memory of when we first met. Even before we had met Knight saw me for what I truly was. A sad girl. That one thing we had in common made him intrigued. I would've never guessed in a million years that Knight would have been intrigued my me.

But here was the proof, I was gonna see how Knight actually viewed me. How he truly felt. But it was all wishful thinking, the way he tossed me aside was enough proof. I was a nobody, absolutely nothing to him. A few pages could never change that. Putting them away, I decided it was to much heart break for one day. Knight McLain was a mystery that I intended to solve another day.

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