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"Open up for me," He whispered. "Let me see you," He begged.

My eyes flew wide open, my heavy breathing filled the air. I hadn't-dreamt of him in months. I looked around wondering where I was. The beach house. I had forgotten, the last time I was here was when-

It didn't matter anymore. I had come with him last time but this time I was alone. The sun was still rising, the crashing of waves created a calm background. I took a deep breath and tried to figure out my next move. Food, if I was going to stay here I needed food.

I picked up my phone. A few missed calls, none from my mother. She didn't care. I grabbed my keys and headed to the door. There was a corner store near by. About five miles out, as I stood up I began feeling light headed. When was the last time I ate? I couldn't even remember. I clutched my stomach trying to regain my balance. I needed to pull myself together. Listening to the crashing of the waves I slowed my breathing and clung on to my reality. Day by day, step by step we will get there, we will be okay.

I told myself that often. Ever since Knight broke my heart. Ever since he tried to kill himself.

That selfish asshole.

How can I be angry at someone who's in the hospital? Selfish bastard took that away from me, it was like I had no right to be angry any more now that he had tried to commit suicide. Starry was right, I was guilty. But so was he, and my anger didn't disappear when I saw him. It only got worse, selfish piece of shit. The coward was going to kill himself instead of dealing with this thing-looking at me in the eye and walking away. He couldn't do it? Could he? He couldn't walk away knowing what he did, so he slit his wrists. Wanting to die then be with me.

His baby

Knight had found out I was having his baby and abandoned me. He had spent the summer whispering sweet words, promising we'd always be together. Promising me I'd always be his and the moment I needed him the most he abandoned me. Like everything we had built was a lie.

How was I supposed to live? The pain in my heart festered deeply. It didn't just disappear over night. Everything felt so suffocating so I took a deep breath and remembered I was alone, far away in a beach house. Nobody could hurt me or bother me now.

I needed to get through these pages, I needed to know.

The sunrise began shining through the windows encasing the whole house in a warm glow. It was peaceful, it was a long time since things were this peaceful. I could feel the tension in my back start to unwind.

Fuck, I was pregnant with Knight's baby.


My Knight in shining armor had left me in distress

His baby was the only thing left

Remember Clara, when things go left

Always remember what Knight wanted was only the


Your Knight in shining armor is taking a rest

Your Knight in shining armor will rise once again.

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