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He loved me. He really loved me.

So why did he break up with me?

"Did you finish it?" Starry asked. I nodded. "There's so many things I don't understand," I said. "Yeah, its like nothing makes sense," Starry said. "Where's your dad in all this? I haven't seen much of him," I asked. "Doing what he always does, keeping up appearances, although things are weird in my house now," She said. "How so?" I asked.

"My mom hasn't really spoken to him since Knight tried to kill himself, I think she's going though a redemption faze or something, for example she gave me her car to drive up here. I'm pretty sure she also thinks my dad is hiding something," She said. "Now come on, I made some spinach and mixed greens to go along with the pizza, you need to be eating a lot of nutrients to take care of the baby," She said.

"What about Michel?" I asked. Starry scoffed. "You haven't heard? He's the new it boy at our high school. Pretty sure he's throwing a party tonight," Starry said. Why would Knights best friend be so nonchalant about his attempted suicide? "Your aunt? Is she shady?" I asked. "Aunt Martha? No, she's not like us-them I mean. The McLain's, she's not part of this shit, she's from my mothers side of the family. She doesn't even know half of this family linage shit," Starry said.

"Then it has to be something with your dad? Maybe Michel too. Something doesn't add up. Why did Knight do a full one eighty in sophomore year? What happened that night he fought your dad? What changed?" I asked.

"I don't know, but whatever it is do you really want to know?" She asked. I whipped my head up. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Think about it, a secret my dad is keeping, Michel might be keeping, a secret so potant Knight fought my father, a secret so potant it changed him so severely," She said. "Is that something you wanna find out?" She said. She was right. What could have been so sinister?

"And Clara, don't take this the wrong way. He's my brother and I love him but do you really wanna find out? What if he's apart of it? What if it changes how see him entirely, how we all see him?" She said. My shoulders dropped in fear. "Knight doesn't even mention it in the pages, I'm not saying he's guilty but he's certainly not innocent," She said.

I got up to go sit at the kitchen island with Starry. I picked up a slice of pizza and some veggies and greens. "So what? Do we wait for him to wake up? Ignore whatever's going on?" I asked taking a bite of pizza. "I don't know, honestly its your call. I really don't want to put you through any more stress because of the baby," She said.

I thought for a moment. Whatever was going on might have been bad but it might give me the answers I needed. Like why he broke my heart.

I tried to think back to any strange behavior. I didn't have that many memories with him before we dated. Cooking class, and a few others but not so much as we got older. The only one I could really think of was the time during junior year.

Knight had spoken to me twice during junior year. The first was the day he took me to applebees. The second was at some party I was coerced into going to by my friends. It was the same day. I had worn these black thigh high stockings with lace detailing that hid under my dress. It was my attempt to seem more modest instead of gathering male attention. It turned out to be completely useless because I hadn't even lasted five minutes at the party.

Knight had spotted me. In all his glory completed with his signature hair and strong jawline. He approached me almost immediately. I hadn't seen him hovering over me. I hadn't ever been this close to him im a long time. He was so tall and muscular. When I finally noticed him it was to late. He had pulled my forearm and shoved me up against the nearest wall. "What are you doing here?" He asked roughly. His face a little angry and twisted with concern. "I-I came to enjoy the party," I said. I had been so confused. A boy I had only really gotten to know a few hours ago had me pinned up against a wall looming over me. He looked at me for a moment as if he knew something I didn't. "No, your going home," He said grabbing my arm. "Hey! Let go, you can't tell me what to do!" I screamed trying to release my self. He stopped to look at me once more. "Im not fucking arguing with you, your going home now," He said. This time his voice was dangerously low. He was angry, so angry I couldn't fight back in fear of his authority.

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