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Dia, Layla, and Christopher stared at me in silence as the sat on my bed. Christopher was aware of what happened considering he was called into question by the police because of his friendship with Knight. Sworn under secrecy he kept what he knew to himself. That was until Dia confessed what she had found out and included Layla so she wouldn't feel left out. Now all my friends were caught up to date on my intense situation.

"You have the ring?" Christopher asked. I nodded, "And his parents don't know?" He continued. "What about-Shhhh!" I interrupted. "No, questions about that," I said "You can't pretend like it doesn't exist, you have to deal with this now, Clara," He said. "Watch me," I said. "What are you gonna do when he wakes up?" He asked. "I don't know, avoid him?" I said. "You can't solve all your problems by ignoring them," Layla jumped in. "He made it very clear he doesn't want anything to do with me," I said. "But that was before," Dia said. "Yeah, then he found out and tried to kill himself. None of that points to wanting to be with me," I said. "You don't know if that's why he did what he did," Layla said. "Why else? Knight hurt himself after he found out. Who's to say I'm not the one who pushed him over board?" I said.

"Clara, that kind of thinking is dangerous, he loved you," Christopher said. I scoffed, "How come everyone is so sure that he actually cared for me? Am I missing something?" I asked. "He hurt me, I called you guys over here to hang out," I said. "So please enough talk of my failed relationship," I said. "At least tell your mom," Christopher continued. "No!" I said.

This was going to be a long night.


"Do we have to watch this?" Christopher asked. "I feel attacked," He added. We were watching John Tucker Must Die, "Why? Are you a sleaze was dates a bunch of girls at once? Oh wait you are," Dia said. "Hey, they know what there getting into. Christopher Daniels is not a one woman kind of man," He said. "Ugh, you sound like even more of an asshole today," She said. "Don't be jealous, there more than enough Chris to go around," He said wrapping his arms around her. He stuck his tongue out getting ready to lick her. "Ew. Stop!" She chuckled pushing him off. "You wanna end up like John Tucker?" She asked as he pulled her closer. "Oh, yeah?" He said. Pulling her off the couch he threw her over his shoulder. "Who's gonna end up like John Tucker?" He said as he carried her. "Get a room!" Layla said. She was to invested in the movie to let them ruin it. "Gladly," Christopher said. "Ew, not in my house! Put her down," I chuckled. "C'mon, I can't let her win," He said. "I already have! Put me down," She said. "You gotta pay for what you said," He added. "I swear Chris-she was interrupted my a loud smack on her ass. "Fuck you!-interrupted by another loud smack. "Chris! Fucking-and another one, this time he finally put her down.

"Who's ready to finish a movie?" He said. A flustered looking Dia stood next to him. I loved my friends.


"I ordered the pizza like an hour ago! Where the fuck is it?" I screamed. "More like ten minutes, calm down," Chris said. "But I'm hungry!" I whined. "Make a sandwich!" He replied. "You know what, I will," I said heading to the kitchen. As I turned the corner I knocked something off the counter. It was the vase Mrs. McLain gave to my parents after attending there cookout. It was last summer and it had been a complete disaster, this was there apology for involving us with there family issues.  I stared at the vase. It had been so long since I even thought about it.

Thats cookout had confused me and my family the whole summer. It escalated quickly and exploded into deep rooted family issues with Knight and his family. It started off as a welcome home cookout for his sister. I remember it like it was yesterday. The smoke in the air, the summer sun beating down at us. The shrill laughter of my mother. Knight had been pissed off the whole time. Nobody really noticed but me, they all thought he was just being an ass. He was just unbelievably pissed at his sister for some reason. Other then the fact that Starry had brought home Ryan Griffen and claimed him as her new boyfriend. Knight didn't like Ryan but he wasn't childish, he wanted his sister to be happy. So why had he been treating her so poorly? I swear I had replayed everything in my head that went down.

We had all started off talking. Ryan was listening intently not knowing what to say. Knight was keeping me close and despite his attitude he had been kind to me. Then he said something, something mean about his sister. I couldn't remember what it had been, something about selfishness. That had been probably the hundredth comment or insult and she was finally done. She took her brother by the arm and they had a private conversation. Which led to screaming and something I had never seen before. Knight had been so angry it made his screaming sound beyond distressed. His father had been grilling the whole time trying to ignore it until he snapped too.

Then came the sight I would never forget. The one that earned us that vase. Knight's father had had it with his bickering children so he slammed his spatula down and stormed over there in a manner that resembled a gorilla. He grabbed his wailing son who had now been beyond tears. His sister saw her father stepping in and her eyes were clouded in guilt. Mr. McLain grabbed his sons hands and held them behind him like a dog. He detained him and beat his head down until Knight was quieter. He pulled his son indoors and me and my parents were shocked at what had just went down. Mrs.McLain had apologized through her own set of tears and asked us to leave.

It was a scene I had never expected to unfold form such a seemingly perfect family. But the way his father handled it had left me with more questions. Later Knight would tell me it was a technique to help him calm down. I believed him because I was scared of ruining our blossoming romance. But if you had shown me what had happened again and asked my opinion today? I would tell you just how sickening it is to see another person get wrangled like an animal. I had thought about what I saw so many times, I just never had any information on what to make sense of it.

But something tells me that I will soon.

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