Minizerk - Love Letter (College AU)

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A/N - I don't know what's this is lol. This is me writing for about 15-20 minutes on my phone. It's tired I'm late. Soooo enjoy! - sorry for being short 

Warnings- makes no difference really but this is based on UK college. So be warned

To Simon Minter

I'm sorry this might sound creepy but I never know how to start one of these things (Well actually this is my first one). Really I just want to express my feelings anonymously for - let's just for personal reasons- and say thank you.

Thank you for the times you've encouraged me when I was in a right mood. I'm known as just a grumpy kid who looks like a dad who's repeating a year. Though it's impossible to repeat a year here. You get the point. No one really wants to approach me, unless I'm with my mates. But you do, and you make my day every time we have a conversation. Even if it lasts only two seconds.

Thank you for the smile that you always wear. You're popular for all the right reasons, and that A-list smile is most definitely one those reasons as to why. It's enchanting and always seems to detract from any flaws you have. Well if you even have any, to begin with. And it highlights your best parts too. It shows the glimmer in your chameleon-like eyes. Seriously they seem to change colour at every change in lighting or angle dramatically. Never the less. Your smile is something girl's fawn over. To be honest I'm no different, just that I'm not as vocal, as a result, have to result to a shifty handwritten letter.

Thank you for the snarky comments and sarcastic attitude you have. Honestly, the amount of shit you get for being a "sarcastic cunt" is just a bit much.  I love your attitude. You take no shit from anyone and you don't care about negativity. In that way, you're like an idol to me. Though in reality, you're a lot more precious than that. Seeing you gives me the confidence to stand my ground and be me. You have literally changed my life that way.

Thank you for so much more. Honestly, I could write an essay to you about everything I love about you, but you'll probably get bored of my dullness. I really love a lot about you. Practically everything to be honest actually.

Even though my love for you is undeniable, I'm not expecting you to accept my feelings. I wanted to let you know that someone out there loves you.... a lot. And if you want to find out who, then good luck. Because I can hardly believe that I mustered up the courage to write this cringefest and put on your bag undetected, let alone to actually talk to you about it. But it makes me feel better to let you know that I love you, so thank you for letting me have such feelings to cherish.

Anonymous person

Once Simon finished reading this note in class (blushing war to ear), he knew who he was. Yes, HE. Simon could recognise that handwriting from a mile away and probably was the only one who could. He knew as soon as this lesson is finished, he would be on the hunt for his crush Josh to give his reply and claim him for himself like he desired to do from the beginning.

A/N - OMFG! People, we have reached 6k. WTF! Thank you guys sooooo much. I'm not even editing or anything like that till tomorrow so enjoy and see you in the next chapter.

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