Alec's Checkup

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Lydia had to wake up very early so she didn't even get to say bye to Alec. She left before six am and knew that she wouldn't get home until Alec went to bed most likely. Magnus wakes up a couple hours later and sees that it's only him and Alec in the bed, realizing that Lydia already left. He sees a note on the bedside table on his side of the bed.
Sorry I left without saying anything, it wasn't even six yet and I needed to leave. I'll be home late but please keep me posted with how Alec's checkup goes, I'll be worried all day. Have a great day you two and tell Alec that mama's sorry she had to leave before he woke up. Send me a message when he wakes up so I can call him please.
-Lydia Branwell~
Magnus sighs, knowing that a tantrum is inevitable since Alec didn't say bye. Alec stirs, alerting Magnus that he's waking up. The warlock turns all attention to him, preparing for the tears.
"Good morning my little turtle." "Papa." He kisses Magnus's chest right beside his face, causing his papa to smile at him. Alec looks around confused. "Mama?" "She had to go work honey. She wants us to call her when you woke up." Alec nods, a little sad that he didn't get his morning kiss from mama. Magnus texts Lydia that Alec is awake and carries him to his nursery so he can get in ready to see Catarina. Lydia calls immediately, Magnus answers the Skype call the moment he places Alec on his changing mat.
"Hey boys. Again I'm so sorry that I had to leave without saying anything but the sun wasn't even up and I didn't want to wake you." "No need to apologize. Alexander look." Magnus has Alec face the screen as he changes his diaper. "Mama!" "Hi bunny." "Mama no here." "I know I'm sorry honey but I needed to go to work. I promise that I'll try to be home before bedtime okay?" "Okay." "I love you sweetie. I have to go now but I'll try and call again soon okay?" "Love you mama." "Bye Magnus." "Goodbye Lydia. I'll let you know how things go." "Thank you." She hangs up and Magnus finishes changing Alec. He throws the full diaper away and grabs a long-sleeved onesie, it's getting colder and he knows Alec will fight him about a big jacket. He puts on his sweats and socks, knowing that Alec won't go out in public after this so he doesn't bother with shoes. Magnus uses his magic to pack up a diaper bag while he feeds Alec his morning bottle. He texts Catarina saying that they're ready, a portal appearing seconds later.
Magnus carries Alec through the portal and into Catarina's living room. The warlock nurse is sitting on her couch and smiles at the sight before her. Magnus places Alec in her lap so he can comfortably finish his bottle and places the diaper bag on the floor. "Oh he's adorable. I thought you were co-parenting." "She had to go to Idris for the day." Catarina nods in understanding and just cradles the little close as he feeds. "So you said you had some health concerns?" "Yes. So Alexander is not a full time little he still has days and moments where he's fully big and can do his job. He tends to jump in his regression, some days he's a toddler but most days he's an infant. Lately there have been drastic jumps and he seems to pretty much have lost all bowel control, we notice that he needs a change before he notices what happened. It's concerning because this happened once due to a nightmare months ago and again when he had serious stomach issues I believe at least a month ago, but now it's happened three times since yesterday and we're stumped." "First off I love how you've continued to say 'we' throughout that statement, keeping the other woman included. Second, his body is resetting itself in different locations given how often he regresses and how far he drops in regression. That is my observation I can do a couple minor tests to see if there's a health issue but I highly doubt it." She puts the empty bottle down and rubs Alec's back. Once he burps, he cuddles into her, wanting the warmth and comfort of something since he's in a new and strange place. She pats his diaper to check it before continuing. "I just changed it." "Force of habit." She smiles at him. "What kind of tests?" "I'd really just be using my magic to assess his internal organs and see what's going on, nothing major and I could start right now without him noticing." Magnus nods, giving his consent. Catarina sends magic through Alec's body and looks at Magnus. "I'm assuming he wets fairly often?" "Yes he's actually started to wear pull-ups when he's big even for an extra precaution." Catarina nods. "I'm not finding any form of ailment so my first theory is the correct one. His body systems are under the constant 'assault', for lack of a better word, of changing headspaces that things are beginning to reset. Potty training is an option if you feel it's necessary and I suggest it at least for basic ability when he's big just in case. Be patient with him because I'm sure he's scared by this and has no idea how to handle things." Magnus nods in understanding, sending Lydia a quick text of everything Catarina said so that she's in the loop. "But other than that he's healthy, right?" "Absolutely. Maybe a couple more bottles throughout the day or some yogurt at times, you're doing more than just milk right?" "Yes his bottles are a milk based meal replacement so that he doesn't end up malnourished in any way." "Good. Maybe one or two more a day and keep him on a schedule, he seems fairly tired." Magnus nods and lifts him into his arms. "Thank you so much Catarina. What do I owe you?" "Nothing. Consider it me cashing in one of the many favors I owe you." The warlocks smile at each other and Catarina pets Alec's hair, kissing his forehead before creating a portal to send them home. She puts Alec's diaper bag on Magnus's shoulder and says her goodbyes as they leave.
Magnus places Alec on the couch and pets his hair. "So you're healthy but your body is just changing in an odd way." Alec just plays with Magnus's necklaces around his neck, causing the warlock to smile. "I'm talking to you Alexander." "Papa I busy." "Oh sorry." Magnus laughs as Alec continues to examine each one and watch them sway. His phone goes off, Lydia replied.

LB: At least he's alright. I was worried. We'll talk more when I get home. Thanks for keeping me posted.

Magnus smiles and looks at Alec, who's lost interest in the necklaces. "So what should we do today?"

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