Alec's Incontinence Part 2 (+ Hurt Lydia)

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Magnus had to head out early, but Lydia and Alec were already awake. Magnus changed Alec before he left given that he noticed first.
Alec and Lydia are going through multiple reports when Alec starts to feel it. He gets up and leaves his office. Lydia's eyes follow him. "Alec?" "I'll be right back. Work on the report regarding Raj and his team's latest patrol." Alec is still on bad terms with Raj and now Raj is afraid of Lydia, she went mama bear. Alec goes to hide before he loses the little control that he has. Lydia is too suspicious, curious, and concerned to just let him go. She follows him quietly but stops when he turns into his nursery. She waits a few seconds before watching through a crack in the door.
She sees Alec pull his pants down to his knees and his diaper expand in both the front and back. She sees his face contort into a grimace before letting out a small groan in frustration. He looks down at the state of his diaper and runs a hand over his face. "Fuck..." He goes to the drawer where he knows his diapers are kept and pulls one out. Lydia then steps in. "Alec?" He jumps and nearly drops the diaper in his hand. "What are you doing?" "N-nothing Lydia I was just going t-" "Alec you know you're not supposed to change yourself. Here lie down let me help you." "Just let me do it I got it. Plus you're still injured don't strain your wrist." Lydia crosses her arms and raises one eyebrow. She approaches him and speaks to him in her 'mama' voice. "Sweetheart, listen to me okay? Lie down on the mat so that your rash doesn't get worse especially since it's almost gone and I'm going to change you. Do not even attempt to argue with me, Alec. You know better than that. As for my wrist it doesn't even hurt. Now come on! Let's hurry up and get this done, got it?" Alec nods reluctantly, looking down so that Lydia can't see the tears in his eyes. 'By the angel, why am I so fucking pathetic?' Alec thought to himself, he doesn't notice Lydia approach him. She puts a hand on his cheek and makes him look at her, a few tears spilling down his face. "Oh, Alec..." "No..." He backs away from her and looks away. "M disgusting..." "W-what...?" Lydia can hear her heart break from Alec's words. He looks up at her and sees the pain in her eyes. He takes another step back and sighs, knowing he has to explain himself in the way he did to Magnus. He refuses to look at her.
"I'm an inconvenience... You and Magnus have to fucking take care of me constantly... I'm incontinent and I fucking hate it... I already told Magnus about how I feel so I really don't want to get into it but fuck it might as well!... I have no right to go through all of this or to force you and Mags to take care of me... I hate being so helpless and weak!... I take up so much of your time and you don't need this bullshit you didn't sign up for this nor do you need to be some surrogate fake ass mom to me... I have almost zero control of anything below the waist and I have to rely on others for that... I don't want to rely on you!... I'm so not fucking wor-"
"STOP! JUST STOP IT!" He looks at Lydia, surprised by her outburst. Her eyes and face are red as tears continuously stream down her wet cheeks. Alec has never seen her cry before, but he immediately hates it. Her body convulses with each sob as she hides her face in her hands. He realizes that while talking shit about himself and explaining how he feels, he said something way too out of line. He basically called Lydia 'some fake mom that he doesn't need', calling out the one thing that gives Lydia purpose. She looks at him, but won't meet his eyes.
"Alec you're worth so much more than you say... Magnus and I love caring for you and we weren't forced into it! The incontinence we can fix somehow I'm sure that there's a way but until then just depend on us without an argument!" Lydia grabs what she needs to change Alec and he complies by lying down. "And for the record... I love taking care of you it's the one thing that makes me feel useful and I'm so sorry that I'm so selfish about it and took on the surrogate fake mother role... Let's just get this finished fast so that you're not uncomfortable and I'll finish that report you asked me to do..." "Lydi-" She puts her hand up, telling him to not say another word. She changes him quickly and leaves the room, putting on a mask that says 'I'm fine' as she goes to finish her work. He sighs and runs a hand over his face. He knows what he should do.
Lydia hears Alec crying and gets up, knowing that she should still look after him regardless of how upset she is. She starts walking to the nursery when she's nearly tackled by Alec. He wraps his arms around her waist and cries into her chest. She pets his hair. "Alec?" "Mama 'm so sowwy I no mean it!" She instantly pulls him closer. "Shh hey it's okay honey..." "No! Awec bad!" "No honey you just said some mean things you're not bad." "Wuv you mama..." She smiles, because damn it she can't resist her baby. "I love you too." Alec yawns. "Let's get you into comfy clothes and put you down for a nap. Okay? Or should you get a bottle first?" He only nods, letting her take over completely.
Lydia takes him to put him in a long-sleeve onesie. She puts him in his crib, seeing that he may be slipping lower, and kisses his forehead. She starts to leave the room to get his bottle and Alec whines. "Mama!" She walks back to the crib. "What is it, bunny?" "Nap wif mama p'ease..." "You sure?" He nods. "Mama scawe 'way scawy fings..." Lydia nods and takes him to the kitchen to make him a bottle. She pulls Alec close to her, letting his head rest on her chest. "Sweetheart? Why were you crying before?" "Cuz I needs mama an' I say I no needs mama an' make you sad an' me sad..." There's a tug at Lydia's heart strings as she cradles him closer to her. Once the bottle is prepared, they go to her bedroom so he can sleep right after he finishes.
She gets him comfortable on the bed beside her and feeds him, savoring every second. Once he's finished and she's burped him, he falls asleep in her arms. She cradles him closely, all negative feelings from before melting away instantly.

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