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Maia and Luke had werewolf issues in the pack to deal with, Simon had to take care of some things with Raphael, Catarina and Magnus has to deal with some warlock things, and all Shadowhunters were needed at the Institute, meaning that Pandora was having a day with her main parents in the Institute again. Lydia feeds her while speaking with Alec in his office. Jace comes in without warning and walks out right after.

"Sorry!" "I don't care dude just come in." Jace walks back and tries not to look at Lydia's chest. He focuses on Alec, who decides to make it so his face is beside his feeding daughter. Jace rolls his eyes and shakes his head, Lydia laughs.

"I came to tell you that Robert is here and needs you to address the Institute. I would say have Lydia stay in here with Pandora but him and the other Clave representative are demanding all shadowhunters be in the room." "Of course he did. You know what, I'm holding her the entire time I'm addressing everyone. Do we have a black onesie or something?" "Black onesie, socks, mini leather jacket, and a black tutu. I think I have a black bow too." "Lyds, you're awesome." After feeding her, Lydia changes her clothing. Izzy walks in while Alec places a black pacifier in Pandora's mouth.

"By the angel she looks so cute!" "She will be addressing the Institute with me." "Robert will be pissed." "That's the idea." Alec grins and lifts the baby into his arms. He hands her to Jace, who starts kissing her cheeks. Lydia smiles at Alec, glad he's thinking ahead.

"Let me use the bathroom real quick and we'll go." Jace raises an eyebrow. "Potty training. He's doing well, only a few accidents so far." Izzy nods and smiles, poking her niece's chubby little cheeks. Pandora laughs and reaches for her daddy when she sees him again. Alec takes Pandora in his arms and kisses her cheeks loudly, getting a laugh from the six month old baby. Her one solo tooth stands out as she laughs with her pacifier hanging from her jacket, adding to her cuteness. Alec smiles and holds her in a way that she's comfortable as they walk into the main room. Clary and Maryse try not to laugh when they see the baby. Robert rolls his eyes.

"Alec is this necessary? That's not exactly appropriate." Pandora babbles at Robert and everyone tries not to laugh. "Exactly, thank you sweetie. Now onto business." Alec adjusts Pandora in his arms and lets her play with his hair as he speaks, trying not to shutter when her tiny fingers glide across his deflect rune. At one point, Alec turns to see one of the shadowhunters watching his daughter more than paying attention to his words. He looks the man in the eyes and clears his throat.

"Is there an issue, Michael?" "No, sir!" Pandora babbles something at the man and Alec nods. "Very well put. She's right, pay attention and get your head straight." The shadowhunter nods and Robert rolls his eyes once again. Alec ignores him for now, but Lydia doesn't. She gives the man a slight glare and focuses back on Alec. Pandora starts to play with her pacifier as Alec continues his speech. She starts to babble again and Alec pauses, letting her make her sounds. When she stops, he continues.

"Excellent point. It has come to our attention that a few of you decide that taking solo patrols and solo missions without clearing them with me is a good idea. I have the names of everyone who has been doing this and I will be having a private meeting with you all after this is over." Pandora starts laughing when she sees her mommy smiling at her and Robert snaps.

"Can we please get the baby out of here? It is highly inappropriate and very annoying. Go put it in your office and come back." Pandora starts to cry after hearing Robert yell at her daddy. 'Who is this scary man and why is he so mean?' is the one thing she's thinking, but not to that level obviously since she's not a year old yet. Lydia rushes to Alec's side and starts to pet her daughter's hair as Alec bounces her gently, letting her scream into his chest as she cries. Maryse, Alec, and the other Clave Member turn and glare at Robert. He raises an eyebrow and the unnamed woman beside him speaks.

"Lightwood, the infant is doing no harm. Due to her, everyone is giving the Head full attention. I suggest you go into that office and sit there until this is over if you feel the need to be rude. Alexander is showing that though he is a father, he is perfectly capable of doing his job. I suggest you learn a thing or two from your son. Please, continue when you're ready." Alec nods and gets Pandora to calm down with the help of Lydia, feeling a warmth in his chest at the impressed looks from every female shadowhunter in the room. Robert leaves the room and Lydia holds Pandora, letting Alec finish before handing her back over.

After he finishes addressing the crowd, the other Clave representative steps forward. Alec straightens out and looks her in the eye. She smiles and shakes her head.

"No need to get defensive, Alec Lightwood. I myself am raising a new baby on my own, my husband passed away. Seeing you and your daughter, though her mother is around, is a touching sight. I have a newfound respect for you." "Thank you, ma'am." She nods and walks away, Alec kisses Pandora's head afterwards. Pandora yawns against Lydia's shoulder and she smiles.

"I think we should head home soon, she needs a nap." "Yeah. Or she could nap in my office here since I have no clue how long until we can head home." "Alright. I'll go get her settled." Alec nods and kisses Pandora's head again. "I love you, sweetie. Sweet dreams." Lydia smiles at Alec and takes Pandora to his office as Alec returns to his room to use the bathroom, glad that he's been able to hold it.

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