Chapter 7

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I felt happy just imagine am finally inside Adam Raul house I mean the most handsome and richest bachelor in my country this is kind of like all those fairy tales you read praying for it to happen to you but already knowing it was never bound to happen  this is every girls dream for goodness sake but I thank God for being among the lucky one

"am coming."  I said to Adam who told me to help him to his room standing up I hold his hand and help him upstairs and to his room after entering inside I stop in my track the room was so beautiful it looks so dazzling the wall were painted with cream color and dark chocolate with a king size bird in the middle the curtains were blue and white with a music box beside it and a resting table behind the bed and they were two cushion chair place beside it.

"wow your room looks so beautiful have you ever seen it."  I said and I immediately regretted it when I realised what I said I rush out quickly "I never meant it like that, I am sorry ."  I said and bow my head. sometimes I can be very stupid not thinking before talking.

"it's okay Sofia it was not your fault you were just curious right."  I nod my head and realising he can't see me I quickly said

"well have seen it before when I was still a teenager and I didn't allow them to change the settings of the room because my mom made it like that." he said sitting down and dragging me beside me .

"so tell me Sofia where is your mother.

"mom is dead I replied back not wanting to think about my dad betrayal before he died.

"what about your parents I asked."

I saw him tense behind me for a minute and thought he didn't want to talk about his parents finally he spoke up "my mom and dad is Dead ".

"oh am so sorry Adams .knowing that kind of feeling I felt sorry for him because he was so lonely but at least I on the other hand have a brother.

"it's okay Sofia." He said softly I almost didn't hear him.

"Sofia can I touch your face he said suddenly making me surprised sensing my reaction he quickly added, "I can't see the face off the person who is living  in my house so I want to trace every line on your face  to find out if you are beautiful or ugly.

"but...but how will you know if I am beautiful or ugly by just tracing my face I replied back a little breathless not knowing how I was feeling right now.

"I just want to trace your face Sofia" he said almost  pleading.

"okay."  I said feeling helpless at the moment I hold my breath when his hand lean to my hair,he started from my hair then going up to my forehead which made my breath hitched then went ahead to my nose my breath growing shallow by the moment he then proceeds to my lips tracing the upper part then moving on to the lower part he then traveled back to my nose and his hand stayed there for a minute before travelling back to my lips his hand stayed there traveling back and forth not being able to take it anymore I stand up
"am sorry Adam, I need to check on my brother ."  I said surprise at how my voice sound I went out.

What do you think happen between Sofia and Adam so guys continue encouraging me by voting and commenting

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